7-year-old girl sets up lemonade stand to raise funds for mother’s headstone

In Scottsboro, Alabama, 7-year-old Emouree Johnson faced a nightmarish tragedy that inspired her to start her own lemonade stand. Unlike many children in the U.S., who simply want to run a lemonade stand for fun, Emouree felt a deep sense of purpose and determination. A few weeks ago, she turned her grief into motivation and embarked on her entrepreneurial journey.

Emouree exclaimed that she woke up with the most devastating news of her life.

Emouree’s world was shattered when her mother, Karli, passed away suddenly at the young age of 29. As a single mother, Karli had been everything to Emouree, her rock and her guiding light.

When Emouree accompanied her grandmother, Jennifer Bordner, to the cemetery for the first time, she was perplexed by the stark contrast in the size of the headstones. While others had massive granite headstones, her mother’s grave was marked by a small metal one.

Emouree expressed that she felt excluded from the group.


Jennifer attempted to clarify that the family was unable to afford a headstone.

Jennifer expressed that her granddaughter had tears in her eyes and a strong desire to assist.

Emouree found herself in a situation where she had to come up with a solution to raise money.

Emouree proudly declared, “I created my very own lemonade stand.”

Word quickly spread about her cause, and soon enough, it seemed like the entire town of Scottsboro was craving a refreshing glass of lemonade.

People were so fond of it that they would often pay more than the original price of $1.

Emouree shared that they were able to make as much as $300 from just one cup of lemonade.

Emouree’s lemonade stand has already raised over $15,000, and all of this money will be put into savings since a monument company has generously offered to donate the headstone. However, what’s truly inspiring is how Emouree has managed to turn the sour lemons life handed her into a refreshing glass of hope.

Jennifer was amazed when she heard her daughter’s comment about the overwhelming support she received. “She couldn’t believe so many people cared for her and loved her mommy,” Jennifer shared. It was a few weeks after Emouree had set up her lemonade stand that the family also faced the loss of her uncle, Steve, due to a heart attack. In times of grief, the community of Scottsboro truly showed their immense kindness and support. They embraced their role in comforting Emouree, providing her with cups of solace and an abundance of love.

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