California county leads the United States in the number of Mexican restaurants

Los Angeles County has become the undeniable center for Mexican cuisine in the United States, with over 5,000 Mexican restaurants, as per a recent analysis conducted by the Pew Research Center. This study highlights the county’s culinary scene as a reflection of its vibrant diversity and culinary abundance.

According to data analyzed by researchers from SafeGraph, there are over 100,000 restaurants in the United States that serve Mexican food. However, after cross-referencing this data with active restaurants listed on Yelp, the numbers were refined to approximately 92,000. The research revealed that around 11% of all restaurants in the country specialize in Mexican cuisine, and an astonishing 85% of U.S. counties have at least one Mexican restaurant.

California and Texas have become the main hubs of this culinary trend, together making up 40% of all Mexican restaurants in the United States. California takes a slight lead with 22%, while Texas follows closely with 17%. Los Angeles County, with its impressive 5,484 restaurants, further cements its reputation as a culinary powerhouse, accounting for 30% of the state’s Mexican eateries.

Harris County, Texas takes the second spot for having the highest number of Mexican restaurants in the United States, with a total of 2,362 establishments. Although California ranks first in terms of sheer numbers, the Mexican restaurant scene has a stronger presence in New Mexico, Texas, and Arizona. In fact, an impressive 22% of all restaurants in New Mexico serve Mexican cuisine, closely followed by Texas at 20%, Arizona at 18%, and California at 17%.

The culinary diversity in Los Angeles County not only showcases the vibrant cultural tapestry of the region but also highlights the widespread love and admiration for Mexican cuisine across the United States. These thriving establishments are a testament to the undeniable influence of Mexican culinary traditions on the American dining scene.

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