Florida Governor Desantis Sends More National Guard Troops To The Southern Border

Aiexpress – Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) made an announcement on Friday, stating his decision to send more Florida National Guard troops to Texas. The motive behind this deployment is to strengthen security measures on the southern border.

In his announcement, DeSantis stated that the upcoming deployment would include 50 National Guardsmen and 76 Florida Highway Patrol Troopers.

Standing in front of the Florida Department of Law Enforcement building on Friday, Governor DeSantis emphasized the ongoing commitment of his administration to protect the country’s borders. He stated, “This is part of a years-long effort for us to help do what the federal government has refused to do, which is to actually defend this country’s borders.”

DeSantis emphasized the remarkable decline in numbers over the past three years, attributing it to the effective measures implemented in Texas. Recognizing the significant efforts made by Texas, he expressed his desire for Florida to join in those efforts. He firmly believes that addressing the issue of illegal immigration is not just a state concern, but an issue that affects the entire country.

Earlier this week, Governor Kristi Noem of South Dakota made a significant announcement. She declared that she would be sending 60 soldiers to the U.S.-Mexico border. This decision puts her in line with other Republican leaders who are supporting Texas Governor Greg Abbott’s “Operation Lone Star” initiative. The primary goal of this operation is to address the ongoing issue of an increasing number of migrants entering the United States through the southern border.


Abbott seems to be disregarding a Supreme Court order that gave the Biden administration the power to remove razor wire barriers near the Rio Grande. Instead, he continues to add more wire. The Texas governor justifies his choice to ignore the court’s ruling by asserting that his authority to address the “invasion” on the border of his state is above federal law.

During his Friday address, DeSantis also discussed the increasing number of Chinese nationals entering the country through the southern border, according to him.

“You got massive numbers now Chinese coming across the border,” DeSantis said. “This is incredible that we be allowing people from all over the world who we have no idea of who they are, that they’re just being able to pour in to this country.”

In early February, DeSantis announced his intention to send up to 1,000 National Guard members to Texas, marking his second deployment of troops to the border.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis expressed his concerns about the ongoing Biden Border Crisis, emphasizing that it has made every state a border state. Recognizing the need to protect territorial sovereignty, DeSantis commended the efforts of law enforcement officers, National Guardsmen, and State Guard members serving in Texas. He extended his sincere gratitude to these dedicated individuals for their service.

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