Hochul Joins Chorus Of Opposition Against Nassau’s Ban On Transgender Athletic Participation

Aiexpress – An executive order issued in Nassau County has sparked controversy and legal questions by banning female transgender athletes from participating in girls’ teams. State officials and lawyers are ridiculing the order and raising concerns about its legality.

“There is nothing lower than trying to score cheap political points by putting a target on the backs of some of our state’s most vulnerable children,” Democratic Gov. Kathy Hochul said in a prepared statement. “Now that the Nassau GOP’s fearmongering on immigration failed in NY-3, they’re resorting to a new divisive culture war attack: bullying trans kids. We’re proud New York has some of the nation’s strongest protections for the LGBTQ+ community and my administration is committed to enforcing these laws.”

Hochul was pointing out the success of her party, which managed to win a House seat on Long Island that had previously been held by Republicans.

As questions and concerns mounted among Democrats and civil rights attorneys, they expressed their opposition to GOP County Executive Bruce Blakeman’s Thursday order, which takes effect immediately.

The New York Civil Liberties Union has condemned the executive order as “cynical” and illegal. They have vowed to explore all possible options to prevent its implementation.


According to Bobby Hodgson, the director of LGBTQ rights litigation at NYCLU, forcing transgender girls to compete on boys’ teams essentially prevents them from participating in sports altogether. This requirement not only exposes their transgender identity but also denies them the same opportunities that other girls have, such as challenging themselves, improving their fitness, and being part of a team with their peers.

Blakeman informed reporters that they had been considering this action for several months and had enlisted their legal team to investigate ways to safeguard girls and women.

According to JP O’Hare, a spokesperson for the State Education Department, the department is unable to provide any specific details or comments regarding the issue at hand, as it may potentially be brought before the commissioner if it is appealed.

In response to POLITICO, O’Hare provided a subsequent statement that indicated the agency’s stance. According to the statement, the Department is dedicated to promoting a climate of respect and acceptance in schools for all students, which encompasses transgender and gender-expansive students. The objective is to create an environment where these students can actively participate in their educational and extracurricular activities, enabling them to succeed both academically and in their personal lives.

The department ensures compliance with state and federal laws regarding bullying, harassment, discrimination, and student privacy. It also ensures compliance with the state’s Dignity for All Students Act and federal Title IX requirements.

It is unclear whether the executive order violated any New York laws.

Transgender issues, especially those related to school sports, have become a significant concern for culturally conservative Republicans. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis even integrated opposition to this matter into his unsuccessful presidential campaign.

Blakeman dismissed inquiries regarding possible challenges from the state Attorney General’s office.

“I strongly believe that there is no existing policy in the state that would invalidate this, and I urge all our elected officials to stand with us in safeguarding the rights of girls and women in New York State,” he expressed. “I don’t view this as a matter of political affiliation; rather, it is about fairness and combatting bullying.”

Samantha Goetz, a Nassau County Legislator, has joined Blakeman in showing her support for the order.

During the press conference on Thursday, she emphasized the significance of this issue both personally and professionally. She expressed her concern about the integrity, fairness, and safety of women’s sports. She highlighted the importance of protecting female athletes and ensuring they have equal opportunities for scholarships and athletic participation.

Melinda Person, president of New York State United Teachers, expressed her criticism of Blakeman on social media, accusing him of making a political maneuver.

“This political playbook that aims to create chaos and confusion is something we simply cannot tolerate. Our children deserve better,” expressed the union president in a recent social media post on X, formerly known as Twitter.

Melissa Sklarz, the political director of Equality New York, responded to Blakeman’s remarks by asserting that the order unequivocally violates state laws.

According to a statement given to POLITICO, the speaker emphasized that the law in New York provides full protection for transgender individuals and children. They stated that it is not within the authority of one Republican executive to decide who is eligible or belongs. The speaker expressed confidence that the courts will ultimately invalidate this executive order.

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