Second Most Senior Senate Republican Supports Trump Following Haley’s Loss In Her Home State

Aiexpress – Senate Minority Whip, John Thune, a prominent Republican leader in the Senate, has officially endorsed former President Donald Trump. Thune’s endorsement comes after Trump’s victory over Nikki Haley in South Carolina.

The Republican frontrunner has secured a crucial endorsement from a prominent figure in the Republican party, bringing him one step closer to clinching the GOP presidential nomination for a historic third time.

Thune, a prominent figure in the GOP establishment, holds the position of the chief deputy to Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell. McConnell, known for his outspoken criticism of Trump, has taken a firm stance against endorsing the former president and disputing his assertions of victory in the 2020 presidential election.

“The results of the South Carolina primary leave no doubt that Donald Trump will be the Republican nominee in this crucial presidential election. The decision facing the American people couldn’t be more apparent: It comes down to a choice between Donald Trump and Joe Biden,” stated Thune in a statement to Fox News Digital.

“I am fully behind the campaign of former President Trump to secure the presidency, and I am committed to doing everything within my power to ensure that he has a Republican majority in the Senate working alongside him to restore American strength both domestically and internationally,” he emphasized.


Thune emphasized the need to halt the detrimental Biden-Schumer agenda. He expressed concern that our nation cannot withstand another four years of Bidenomics, ongoing lawlessness at our southern border, and a display of American weakness on the global stage.

Fox News reported that

Thune and Trump spoke by phone on Saturday night after Trump’s commanding victory in the South Carolina Republican primary, a source familiar with the call told Fox News Digital.It wasn’t clear before now whether Thune, who’s seen as one of McConnell’s potential successors to lead the Senate Republican Conference, would endorse either of the two major candidates for the 2024 GOP nomination.

Thune had previously endorsed Senator Tim Scott (R-SC) when he launched his campaign. However, Scott dropped out of the race last year, and Thune recently switched his endorsement to Trump. Last night, Trump emerged victorious in South Carolina’s GOP primary, defeating Haley by a significant margin of over 20 points.

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