Missouri House Passes Bill To Fund National Guard Border Deployment, Sends To Senate

The Missouri House has shown strong support for Governor Mike Parson’s proposal to deploy soldiers and state troopers to the Mexican border. In a resounding vote, 122-12, they have approved the necessary funding for this initiative.

Missouri Governor, Parson, has responded to a request from Texas Governor Greg Abbott by deploying 200 soldiers from the Missouri National Guard and 11 troopers from the Missouri State Highway Patrol. These personnel will be assisting Texas law enforcement in their efforts. In addition to this, there are already around 250 National Guard soldiers from Missouri in Texas, who are working under federal orders and receiving payment from the federal treasury.

A total of 11 patrol troopers will be stationed in Texas for a period of 32 days, while the 200 guard soldiers will take turns serving tours of 50 during the 90-day mission, which has the potential to be extended.

The bill allocates $2.2 million for the deployment, $2 million to cover expenses for the National Guard, and $206,757 for patrol operations.

Republicans supporting the legislation argue that the state must take action due to the excessive number of individuals entering the country illegally.


According to Rep. Chad Perkins, a Republican from Bowling Green, it is the duty of the state of Missouri to take action when the federal government fails to act in the best interest of Missourians.

During the appropriation hearing last week, Col. Eric Olson, the superintendent of the patrol, stated that the agency currently has a shortage of 132 troopers, leaving them short of full strength. State Rep. Ingrid Burnett, a Kansas City Democrat, expressed her belief that the troopers being sent to Texas are needed more within their own state.

According to Burnett, depleting our service personnel further is a reckless decision. He believes that it doesn’t make sense to take this action with our troops, especially at this time.

Supporters of the spending from the Democratic party believe that the additional assistance at the border will provide support to the already deployed men and women from the National Guard.

According to state Rep. Maggie Nurrenbern, a Kansas City Democrat, the Missouri National Guard has been stationed at the border for years at the request of the Biden administration. She explains that the deployment of additional troops is intended to provide support to those who have already been serving on the border for a significant period of time.

Nurrenbern expressed her optimism that Congress will take action, despite the challenges. She mentioned that a bipartisan immigration bill, which was negotiated in the U.S. Senate, unfortunately, got shelved due to strong opposition from former President Donald Trump, who was the presumptive Republican nominee for president at that time.

“I am hopeful that Congress will promptly take up the immigration bill,” Nurrenbern expressed, “in order to effectively secure our borders and establish a viable process for all individuals seeking legal immigration to this nation.”

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