Joe Biden Secures Democratic Nomination

President Biden has secured victory in the Georgia Democratic primary, as projected by Decision Desk HQ. This win has provided him with the necessary delegates to secure the Democratic presidential nomination. It almost guarantees that he will once again go head-to-head with former President Trump in the upcoming November election.

Biden was projected as the winner in Georgia by DDHQ at 7 p.m. EDT on Tuesday.

Biden is anticipated to secure the Democratic nomination with a minimum of 1,968 delegates, which is the required number.

In preparation for the Tuesday primaries, Biden had accumulated 1,867 delegates, as reported by DDHQ. This meant that he required a minimum of 101 delegates to secure his position.

On Tuesday, a total of 241 delegates were up for grabs in Georgia, Mississippi, Washington state, and the U.S. territory of the Northern Mariana Islands. Georgia alone offered 108 delegates on the Democratic side.


While it was widely anticipated that Biden would not encounter any significant competition for the Democratic nomination on Tuesday, Georgia and Washington became the battlegrounds for campaigns aiming to protest against Biden and his administration’s approach to the Israel-Hamas conflict.

In Washington, organizers are encouraging Democratic primary voters to choose “uncommitted” on their ballot as a form of protest. Similarly, in Georgia, party members are being urged to leave their ballot blank. These initiatives mirror similar efforts in Michigan and Minnesota, where segments of the Democratic electorate expressed their discontent with the president through protest votes.

Surprisingly, the protest vote has proven to be more powerful than any of Biden’s unlikely Democratic rivals, including Rep. Dean Phillips (D-Minn.).

Meanwhile, in the Republican Party, it is anticipated that Trump will secure the nomination for the presidency.

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