House Speaker Mike Johnson Alleges That Hunter And James Biden Provided False Information During The Impeachment Inquiry

House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) told The Post on Wednesday that he thinks President Biden’s son and brother said things that were “demonstrably false” when they testified to lawmakers as part of the investigation into whether the commander in chief should be impeached.

This year, the House GOP held its yearly policy retreat at the Greenbriar Resort in West Virginia. The speaker of the House said, “What those interviews were missing, in my view, is a lot more truth.”

Johnson said of Hunter and James’s evidence to the impeachment inquiry last month, “I think they were pretty evasive.” “It’s clear to me that there was testimony given that is obviously not true based on the bank records and some of the evidence, whistleblower testimony, that’s come forward.”

Johnson didn’t go so far as to say that Hunter and James Biden were lying, though.

“I’ll let them figure it out on their own,” he said.


“But I don’t believe Hunter Biden told the whole truth.” “That’s just my opinion,” Johnson said.

According to Johnson, the impeachment investigation into the president’s involvement in his family’s business dealings was at an “inflection point” last November. He said that congressional subpoenas for testimony from the first son and first brother would produce the evidence needed to turn the investigation into a full-fledged impeachment trial.

The House speaker stated on Wednesday that the data gathered by the three committees looking into the matter “confirmed what we all sort of suspected or knew intuitively” about the Biden family’s alleged operation to buy votes and that “a lot of strange, probably illegal” things were going on during the scheme.

He wasn’t ready to go ahead with a full House floor vote on impeaching the president, though.

Johnson said, “As I said, the committees of jurisdiction are still doing their investigations because that’s what the law says they have to do.” ” The process is very serious, calm, slow, and planned.” I’m glad they took care of it that way.

“That being said, I think there is still some more evidence that hasn’t been turned over.”

He said, “We’re just not quite there yet” when asked about deciding on articles of impeachment.

On September 12, Republicans in the House began their impeachment investigation. They used bank records, transcripts of interviews with Hunter’s former business partners, and documents and statements from IRS whistleblowers to show that Joe Biden knew about his son’s shady dealings with foreign companies and that his administration hacked into a five-year investigation into them.

There’s proof that the vice president met with Hunter and his uncle James Biden’s friends from China, Mexico, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, and Russia. This goes against everything Biden said during his race for president in 2020 and while he was in office.

Republicans are also looking into Hunter’s job with a shady Romanian businessman, where he made more than $1 million while his dad was vice president and fought crime in that country.

A probe into removal does not have to or can last a certain amount of time.

The only real limit is January 3, 2025, which is the last day of the 118th Congress’s legislative session.

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