Gov. Kristi Noem Claims That Chinese Spies Crossed The Southern Border And Attempted To Steal South Dakota’s Crop ‘genetics’

Gov. Kristi Noem (R-SD) warned that Chinese agents were crossing the southern border, buying up land, and jeopardizing the US food supply.

Noem appeared on Hannity on Wednesday night, claiming that Chinese spies were pretending to be “good actors” while purchasing acres of land and stealing intellectual property.

“I’ve seen China come in and acquire our fertilizer companies. “They bought up our crop care companies, as well as our chemical companies,” Noem continued.

They bought up our, stole our genetics. They’ve bought up our processing facilities, now they’re coming after our land. And when they do that, Sean, they will control the food supply, and the country that can’t feed themselves — we are no longer in control of our destiny. If you think a pandemic was scary, imagine what happens when they control our food. We’re only 3 meals away from a crisis in this country. People will break down and panic if they can’t put food on the table and there’s nothing on the grocery store table for their family.

We had spies in South Dakota this summer. They were spies that came into our state, that wanted to tour our facilities and steal our genetics. Acted like they were “good actors” and just days later the State Department called us and said, “Did you meet with these people? Because they were spies and they were there to steal all your information, and your companies’ private information. And if you did meet with them, because we need to debrief you.” And, thankfully, we had refused all their meetings. But that’s what they’re doing and it’s from every angle and they’re crossing the southern border on purpose because their government is sending them here to spy on us.

“China would never allow any American to buy their land, ever!” Hannity stated. “Why would we be so stupid?” Why do we allow this to happen? “Why isn’t it a no-brainer for both parties?”

“America needs to buy that land back,” Hannity stated.


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Jimmy Clyde
Jimmy Clyde
Articles: 290

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