Marjorie Taylor Greene takes action to remove Mike Johnson as House approves $1.2trn spending package

Marjorie Taylor Greene took the lead in initiating the process to remove House Speaker Mike Johnson as the US House of Representatives narrowly approved a bill to prevent a government shutdown. Despite opposition from conservatives, like the Georgia Republican who are staunch supporters of former president Donald Trump.

The spending package successfully passed with a two-thirds majority, as 286 votes were in favor and 134 votes were against.

“This is a betrayal of Republican voters,” Ms. Greene expressed her discontent to reporters on Friday. She emphasized that the bill put Republicans in a difficult position by forcing them to choose between funding for the military and unintentionally supporting late-term abortion. Ms. Greene strongly believes that the bill was designed to cater to the desires and agenda of Democrats and the White House.

The spending agreement is now set to move to the US Senate, where bipartisan support is anticipated for its easy passage. This is expected to occur either before or shortly after the government shuts down at 12.01am on Saturday.

President Joe Biden has stated that he will promptly sign the legislation as soon as it is delivered to his desk. This bill is designed to ensure that the government remains operational until the conclusion of Fiscal Year 2024, which falls on September 30th.


According to Ms. Greene, the entire process was driven by Chuck Schumer, the Democratic Senate Majority Leader, rather than the Republican Speaker of the House or their conference. She expressed frustration at the lack of opportunity to propose amendments and make changes to the bill.

“I just filed the motion to vacate today, but let me make it clear, it’s not just a pink slip. Consider it a stern warning,” she emphasized. “We need to go through the entire process diligently, taking our time, in order to find a new Speaker of the House who will genuinely support the Republicans and our Republican majority, rather than aligning themselves with the Democrats.”

In an interview with The Independent, Republican Arizona Representative Juan Ciscomani expressed his disappointment with the filing of the motion to vacate, calling it a “very unfortunate” situation.

In a statement, he expressed his opposition to the motion to remove former Speaker Kevin McCarthy last year, stating, “I don’t support it. This is a bad idea once again.”

In a statement, Mr. Johnson emphasized the accomplishments of House Republicans. He highlighted their success in implementing conservative policies, opposing extreme Democrat proposals, and making significant budget cuts. Furthermore, he noted that they played a crucial role in strengthening national defense.

He added that the process was also a crucial step in breaking the muscle memory of the omnibus and signifies the most achievable result in a government that is divided.

According to New York Republican Representative Mike Lawler, the American people share our views on the issues at hand. However, what they do not support is the senseless chaos and unnecessary turmoil that fails to address the actual problem.

“The individuals who are deeply upset about this bill today should have taken the time to carefully consider their actions before ousting Kevin McCarthy as speaker,” he emphasized.

“I’ve been successful in winning elections twice in Democratic districts where the odds were against me because I believe in a practical and bipartisan approach. I always speak my mind and that’s exactly what I’m doing now. To be honest, the stunt pulled by Marjorie is nothing short of idiotic,” he expressed his thoughts to The Independent.

Michigan Republican Representative Lisa McClain expressed her satisfaction with the passing of the spending agreement, stating that it was long overdue. Additionally, she voiced her concerns regarding the motion to vacate the speaker.

She expressed her concerns about the purpose of the action, questioning its effectiveness and the outcomes it might bring.

According to Representative Jamie Raskin of Maryland, the Democratic party thrives on insurrection, division, and polarization. He expressed his lack of surprise at the party once again turning against itself.

In an interview with The Independent, he highlighted the stark contrast between the Donald Trump playbook that has gained dominance within the Republican Party and the Democratic Party’s vision for democracy, freedom, and efficient governance.

The spending bill is a result of an agreement between the House and Senate leadership, as well as the leaders of the House and Senate Appropriations Committees. In order to continue negotiations for some of the more contentious pieces of legislation, Congress passed six spending bills and a stopgap spending bill earlier this month.

Conservatives expressed their objection to the legislation, stating that they believed the spending cuts were not significant enough. The House Freedom Caucus specifically called for Mr. Johnson to implement additional measures to tighten immigration controls at the US-Mexico border.

Progressives were highly critical of the reductions in funding allocated to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA). Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York went so far as to describe these cuts as “unconscionable.”

The legislation also provides 12,000 special immigrant visas for Afghans who supported US servicemembers during the war in Afghanistan.

The minibus spending bill comprises six out of the twelve spending bills. It includes legislation for funding various departments and agencies such as the State Department, Pentagon, Department of Homeland Security, Congress, Department of Health and Human Services, Department of Education, financial services, and the general government.

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