Democrats intensify criticism of RFK Jr.: ‘He should feel ashamed’

Democrats are intensifying their criticism of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. following his selection of Nicole Shanahan as his vice president. They claim that this partnership will work in favor of former President Trump.

Kennedy’s supporters argue that Shanahan’s appointment as his running mate will create excitement for the campaign as they head into the general election. Furthermore, it will also fulfill the requirement in several states that mandates an Independent candidate to have a running mate in order to qualify for their ballots. Shanahan, who is known for his philanthropy work and expertise as a patent attorney, brings valuable qualities to Kennedy’s campaign.

However, there are several prominent figures within the pro-President Biden faction of the party who are criticizing Kennedy’s candidacy as a “spoiler.” They argue that his campaign is being fueled by GOP funds and conspiracy theories. This backlash against Kennedy emerged shortly after he announced his running mate in Oakland, California.

“I find his campaign personally offensive and quite frankly, it disgusts me,” expressed Rep. Robert Garcia (D-Calif.) during a call organized by the Democratic National Committee (DNC). “He ought to be ashamed of himself and put an end to his pursuit of the presidency.”

Throughout the 2024 presidential cycle, Democrats have largely ignored Kennedy, believing that he had little chance of winning the White House. Despite the precariousness of Biden’s polling as an incumbent, those close to him have refrained from targeting Kennedy, choosing instead to concentrate their efforts on Trump.


The initial apathy towards Kennedy has transformed into a mix of anguish and anger in recent weeks. As the primaries of both parties indicated a potential Biden-Trump rematch, Democrats have begun scrutinizing the third-party candidate who could introduce an unpredictable and potentially unfavorable scenario for them in the upcoming November election.

In recent weeks, the DNC has been focused on the goal of securing a second victory for Biden. They have devoted resources to undermining Kennedy’s campaign and portraying him as a potential asset for Trump’s reelection. Shortly after Kennedy announced his choice of Shanahan, the DNC organized a conference call with elected Democrats from swing states to address the potential impact of Kennedy’s candidacy on Biden’s ability to defeat Trump for a second time.

“He’s a spoiler,” remarked Pennsylvania Lt. Gov. Austin Davis during the call. “Donald Trump’s top supporters drafted him into this race.”

According to him, Pennsylvania does not offer him a viable chance of winning the election.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. connects with voters in Brooklyn during a campaign event on August 30, 2023, in New York City.

Democrats frequently attempt to link Kennedy’s campaign to the Trump-aligned GOP. Kennedy, in his own right, shares certain ideological similarities with the MAGA movement, particularly when it comes to vaccines and his criticism of conventional medicine and the scientific community.

Just prior to the announcement of Shanahan, a super PAC dedicated to supporting Biden unveiled a website called rfkjrfacts. The website showcases blended images of Kennedy and Trump, as well as prominent figures from the previous president’s inner circle, including right-wing ally Steve Bannon.

According to the text on the landing page, RFK Jr. is a candidate supported by MAGA and funded by billionaires with the aim of reelecting Donald Trump. The platform of RFK Jr. is deemed highly dangerous due to his promotion of conspiracy theories, which further divide our nation. Additionally, he has amassed significant wealth by opposing vaccines and has a troubling history of making remarks that are anti-Black, anti-LGBTQ, and anti-Semitic.

Clear Choice, a super PAC, has recently unveiled a new advertisement aimed at highlighting the strong connection between Kennedy and Trumpism. In the ad, Kennedy can be seen expressing his pride over Trump’s appreciation for him.

According to a statement by Matt Bennett, the executive vice president for public affairs of the Democratic group Third Way, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Nicole Shanahan have a slim chance of visiting the Oval Office. Their only opportunity would be if Trump is re-elected and decides to invite them in as a gesture of gratitude.

As the news spread that Kennedy would announce his running mate on March 26, supporters of Biden started expressing concerns about how this decision could potentially weaken the president’s chances on Election Day. They emphasized that in a closely contested election, just a few thousand votes in key states can make a significant difference. Democrats have previously experienced the impact of third-party candidates like Jill Stein from the Green Party in 2016.

According to Chris Devine, co-author of the book “Do Running Mates Matter?: The Influence of Vice Presidential Candidates in Presidential Elections” and an expert in third-party campaigns, the selection of Shanahan, who is relatively unknown, does not bode well for the campaign.

According to Devine, this was a chance for him to showcase his ability to assemble a skilled and diverse team, but he has failed to do so.

Critics from within the pro-Trump Republican camp have voiced their concerns about Kennedy, as they fear that the Independent candidate could potentially divert support away from the former president.

In response to Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s announcement of his running mate, a spokesperson for the pro-Trump super PAC Make America Great Again Inc., Alex Pfeiffer, stated that Kennedy, a far-left radical, supports reparations, backs the Green New Deal, and advocates for a ban on fracking. Pfeiffer’s statement reflects the expected choice of a Biden donor and leftist as Kennedy’s running mate.

Both Biden and Trump allies have criticized Kennedy for garnering a significant level of support as an Independent. Throughout his campaign, Kennedy has consistently polled in the low to mid-double digits, making him an appealing candidate for certain segments of the voting electorate that Biden has been struggling to attract. This includes Independents, as well as pockets of young voters and voters of color.

Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. enthusiastically waves on stage with Nicole Shanahan, his newly announced running mate, during a campaign event held in Oakland, Calif., on March 26, 2024.

Kennedy has garnered significant attention in key battlegrounds and has successfully collected enough signatures to be a contender in states like New Hampshire, Utah, and Hawaii. Additionally, American Values, a pro-Kennedy super PAC, has reported enough supporters in Michigan, Georgia, South Carolina, and Arizona to allow Kennedy to compete in those states as well. A recent NBC News poll indicated that 34 percent of registered voters expressed potential interest in supporting Kennedy during this election cycle.

Shanahan, 38, was described by Kennedy as a “brilliant scientist” and a “fierce warrior mom” during his launch event. Including her in the team allows Kennedy to begin the lengthy process of collecting signatures, which is required by different states to validate a full ticket. This endeavor will span over several months.

Kennedy is currently facing a major obstacle in the form of insufficient funds. Running a presidential campaign of such magnitude requires significant financial resources, and this is especially true for an Independent candidate like Kennedy, who also has to undertake the additional task of gathering petition signatures. While some of Kennedy’s associates recognize the difficulty posed by this challenge, his supporters remain hopeful that Shanahan’s involvement could provide a much-needed injection of funds, enabling Kennedy to secure a place on more ballots.

Kennedy explained that he selected Shanahan because of her remarkable skill in identifying government abuses. He further emphasized that she has proven her resilience by overcoming numerous challenges and achieving the American dream.

Shanahan, the former wife of billionaire and Google co-founder Sergey Brin, has the potential to significantly bolster Kennedy’s financial competitiveness against the Democratic and Republican Party nominees. Democrats are eagerly anticipating this development as they strategize their attacks.

According to the Federal Election Commission (FEC), Kennedy’s campaign raised $3.2 million in February, a significantly lower amount compared to his two competitors. The FEC reports that his total cash on hand is slightly over $5 million, which may not be sufficient for a multistate ballot access initiative.

Democrats are concerned that Kennedy could gain more votes in crucial battlegrounds due to Shanahan’s financial boost, potentially impacting the outcome of the election.

Michigan state Senator Mallory McMorrow expressed her concern about Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s candidacy, stating that his presence in the race increases the chances of Donald Trump being re-elected as president. McMorrow described Kennedy’s campaign as “horrifying.”

“We cannot afford to regress,” she emphasized.

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