Bill Maher vows to use all means possible to prevent Trump from being re-elected

Bill Maher is determined to prevent former President Trump from making a comeback to the Oval Office.

In an interview with Variety published on Wednesday, the host of HBO’s “Real Time,” Bill Maher, expressed his determination to prevent a potential rematch between former President Trump and President Biden. Maher stated, “I’ll do everything I can to make sure that doesn’t happen,” acknowledging that his influence, along with that of others, may be limited in this regard.

Maher, 68, stated that he has made a conscious decision to not surrender his nervous system to Donald Trump, as he had done in the past. He expressed his intention to refrain from allowing Trump to have control over his emotions, similar to what had happened in the previous instances.

“He added that if he emerges victorious, he will accept the win gracefully.”

“The country is deeply divided, resembling a prison yard where individuals are forced to align with one team or the other,” stated Maher during his discussion about his newly launched Club Random Studios podcast network.


“People often claim that they want to be in the middle, but in reality, they tend to stick to their own corners.”

In a recent interview with Variety, the outspoken liberal commentator, who has been a vocal critic of Trump, revealed that he is making a conscious effort not to let the outcome of the November election affect him. Despite his strong opinions about the former president, he expressed a desire to remain calm and composed during this time.

According to Maher, it’s simple: Trump will either emerge victorious or he won’t.

“I can’t constantly worry about what will happen when he becomes president – whether it’s him blowing up the world or putting me in Guantánamo Bay or something else,” she said.

Bill Maher, the renowned comedian, has previously expressed his personal fear of Donald Trump. He openly admitted that he is unsure about the actions the former president would take if he were to serve a second term.

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