LSU women’s basketball coach Kim Mulkey faces unfair scrutiny not experienced by male coaches

Ever wondered about the reason behind Kim Mulkey’s demeanor towards anyone outside her team or inner circle? Her reluctance to value the opinions of those who have already formed their judgments about her? Well, let’s take a look at a specific six-hour time frame on Saturday to understand better.

After the game, Mulkey criticized a Los Angeles Times column that was, remarkably, even more offensive. The column referred to her team as “dirty debutantes,” a term that clearly carries derogatory connotations. This is not just a subtle hint of misogyny and racism, but a loud and blatant display of it.

“How could anyone have the audacity to attack kids like that?” exclaimed Mulkey, her anger palpable. “You don’t have to approve of our style of play. You don’t have to appreciate our trash-talking. You don’t have to like any of it. And that’s perfectly fine with us.”

“But I cannot simply sit up here as a mother, grandmother, and leader of young people and let someone make such a statement without voicing my disagreement.”

Mulkey, a prominent figure in college basketball, has always been known for her vibrant personality and has often found herself embroiled in controversy. Throughout her career, she has faced a significant amount of criticism from the media, with some even crossing the line into unprofessional territory.


She often finds herself in controversial situations, partly due to her own actions. She has a tendency to say, do, and wear things that can be shocking and offensive. Additionally, she has a knack for manipulating situations to fit her agenda. For instance, after Saturday’s game, she claimed that she was unaware of the Post story being published, despite being questioned about it beforehand.

She adamantly refuses to explain or edit herself, even when it could be beneficial, like when it comes to clarifying her relationship with Brittney Griner.

However, there is no justification for the joy and dedication that appears to exist in the constant efforts to undermine Mulkey and her current players.

Angel Reese reflected on the aftermath of winning the national championship, acknowledging that peace has eluded them since then. Despite this, she expressed her contentment with the present moment and emphasized her reluctance to alter the journey they have embarked upon.

Reese, with all the optimism and naivete of a 21-year-old, confidently asserts.

But the rest of us should begin advocating for higher standards.

“I may be in the final phase of my career, but I refuse to tolerate any more sexism. And if you fail to recognize that as sexism, then you’re simply denying the truth,” Mulkey asserted.

Referring to the Times column, she could have easily been talking about the long-standing notions that have surrounded her.

Women face unique challenges, especially those who achieve success in male-dominated industries. The scrutiny and expectations placed on them are often unfair and harsh. When a woman’s success is not dependent on a man, it can be perceived as a threat, resulting in belittlement and disdain towards her achievements and choices.

Do you remember the time when Taylor Swift was accused of causing trouble for the NFL?

Mulkey has been subjected to intense scrutiny, unlike many male coaches who have similarly problematic records or personalities.

D.J. Durkin, who is currently the defensive coordinator at Auburn, was dismissed from his position as the head coach at Maryland following the tragic death of one of his players due to heatstroke. Was the toxic and excessively macho environment that Durkin created a contributing factor to the young man’s untimely demise? Surprisingly, this crucial aspect was left unexplored in the extensive 7,000-word analysis of Durkin’s character.

In a recent profile highlighting his journey of redemption, Rick Pitino openly acknowledged engaging in a sexual relationship with a woman who was not his wife and financially supporting her decision to undergo an abortion. This significant aspect of his personal life was conspicuously absent from the narrative.

Many other coaches seem to have anger outbursts on the sidelines, publicly berating their players. They often brush it off as passion or commend it as tough coaching. There is a tendency to overlook or not delve deeper into these incidents.

It is surprising that it is considered acceptable to provide extensive details about the coach’s long-standing estrangement from her father. The narrative portrays the father as a sympathetic figure, despite the fact that he caused immense pain to his daughter by cheating on her mother and abandoning his family. This portrayal unfairly suggests that Mulkey is the one lacking compassion.

There are ongoing debates regarding the ethical implications of delving so deeply into Mulkey’s personal history, despite her own candid revelations in her book. Even the most seemingly perfect families can be complex and tumultuous. Venturing into the intricacies of a family that is not our own is a precarious endeavor that bears resemblance to sensationalistic tabloid voyeurism.

Mulkey’s father possesses his own character flaws, which should not be attributed to Mulkey herself. The assumption that her response to his flaws reflects her own flaws is not only inappropriate but also lacks credibility, as Mulkey did not discuss this matter with the Post.

She had no obligation to do so, mind you, and was probably even less inclined to when she learned the Post was asking about things and people unrelated to her success.

According to Mulkey, reporters who amplify a biased and exaggerated narrative are not interested in providing accurate information. Instead, their goal is to generate newspaper sales and drive online clicks. Mulkey expressed her frustration with this approach and even threatened to take legal action against the Washington Post. She believes that these unethical tactics are a major reason why people have lost trust in journalists and the media. Mulkey claims that individuals are tired of being subjected to sleazy tactics and unfair character assassinations.

Mulkey faced significant backlash for her statement, as she was accused of creating a narrative where there was none. However, after witnessing the incident firsthand and reading the offensive column about her team, it becomes difficult to dispute her perspective.

In today’s society, it has become increasingly common to label someone as “unforgivable” based solely on their disagreeable personality, without any concrete evidence of wrongdoing. This tendency has led to the assumption that individuals with such personalities are automatically homophobic, COVID deniers, and dedicated followers of the MAGA movement. Furthermore, these unfounded accusations also extend to the players associated with them, tarnishing their reputation within the game.

The truth of the matter remains unknown to all of us. However, it seems that opinions have already been formed about Mulkey, disregarding any evidence or fairness.

If you find yourself disliking Mulkey or her players, it’s important to reflect on the public discourse surrounding them. If you fail to recognize the underlying issues of sexism and racism, then the problem lies within your perspective, not with them.

You are the one.

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