John Bolton Claims Trump ‘doesn’t Have The Brains’ To Be A Dictator

In an interview, John Bolton, the former National Security Advisor, expressed his opinion that his former boss, former President Trump, lacks the necessary intelligence to be a dictator. This statement comes as concerns mount about the potential consequences of a second Trump term.

In a recent interview with Le Figaro, a conservative French outlet, Bolton was asked if Trump exhibited dictatorial tendencies.

Bolton retorted, exclaiming, “He lacks intelligence! After all, he is just a property developer!”

In a recent encounter, Trump, the sole contender for the GOP presidential nomination, held a meeting with Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orbán. This meeting, which took place at his Mar-a-Lago estate, further highlights Trump’s affinity for autocratic leaders who actively oppose democratic principles.

Former President Trump has expressed admiration for various foreign leaders of countries that are considered adversaries by the United States. He mentioned receiving “beautiful letters” from North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un and described Chinese President Xi Jinping as a “very good person.”


During his previous term, Trump asserted that he would not exhibit dictatorial tendencies if given another chance in office, with the exception of the initial day.

According to Bolton, there is a high probability that Trump will withdraw from NATO if he wins a second term.

Trump has been a vocal critic of NATO members for their failure to meet the 2 percent GDP spending requirement. During his time in office, he even threatened to withdraw from the organization. In a conversation with Putin, Trump expressed his belief that NATO members who fall behind in their financial obligations should face consequences. He has remained steadfast in his stance, emphasizing the importance of fulfilling these commitments.

According to John Bolton, Trump tends to revisit his ideas repeatedly before eventually taking action on them. This behavior is why the possibility of the United States leaving NATO is a real concern. While some view it as a mere negotiating tactic, Bolton believes that Trump’s inclination to return to the idea indicates a genuine consideration of this move.

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