Ramy Youssef, host of ‘SNL,’ advocates for a trans woman as the next president and urges for freedom in Palestine and for hostages

In his monologue on “Saturday Night Live,” Ramy Youssef shared comedic takes on politics and religious holidays. He humorously suggested that a trans woman should be the next president, sparking laughter from the audience. He also advocated for the liberation of the people of Palestine and the release of hostages.

Youssef, the creator and star of Hulu’s Ramy, who recently participated in the Oscar-winning film Poor Things, made his debut as host of NBC’s comedy show on Saturday.

In his monologue, he began by acknowledging the significance of the weekend, stating that it was a spiritually profound time. He mentioned the observance of Ramadan, the upcoming Easter celebration, and the recent release of a new album by Beyoncé. He humorously noted the convergence of various religions and their celebrations happening simultaneously.

Youssef, a Muslim, mentioned that he is observing the Ramadan fast.

“I absolutely adore Ramadan because it gives me the opportunity to spend time with my Muslim friends,” he enthusiastically expressed. “It’s remarkable how loving and compassionate we are, and unfortunately, not many people realize that. They tend to focus on other aspects. But let me tell you, we have an immense capacity for love, and we are not afraid to express it freely.”


“I have this friend who recently shared a funny story with me. He was telling me about how he met this girl and after just nine months of hanging out, he confessed his love for her. He couldn’t help but compare it to a situation he had with an Uber driver. He actually gave the driver his number and said, ‘Let’s get off the app. I want to get to know you better. You mean something to me.’ He jokingly mentioned that after nine months, he should have had a kid with the Uber driver.”

Youssef later made an appearance in a pre-recorded commercial parody for “Ozempic for Ramadan,” which aimed to assist with fasting.

He then expressed his thoughts on politics, expressing his concern about the broad support for Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, not just in the South. He reflected on living in New York and being in a bubble where they tend to believe that everything they disagree with is isolated to the South. However, he realized that this notion is not accurate as the influence of the South can be felt just 45 minutes away from wherever one is. He shared an experience of walking through a neighborhood in upstate New York where he noticed numerous displays of Trump support, such as flags and red hats. This encounter made him realize that despite being in the North, he could still feel the impact and presence of the South.

President Joe Biden, who is seeking re-election as a Democratic candidate, became the focus of his attention.

“I’m pretty sure Biden will give me a call, although he might forget, but someone will reach out,” he quipped. “In 2020, I received a call from Mohammed Biden. He said, ‘Ramy, my dear friend, we admire everything you’ve done for Arab America, you know?’ He said it as if it were a whole nation. ‘Everyone on the campaign is a big fan of your work.’ And Joe is aware of it. That’s a big deal because Joe sometimes struggles with awareness. Joe being aware is like winning a Nobel Peace Prize.”

To be honest, I’m not a fan of either Biden or Trump,” Youssef confessed. The next president, in his opinion, should be a woman, which garnered a resounding applause from the audience. However, he further elaborated that he believes the next president should specifically be a trans woman, which received slightly less enthusiastic applause. Youssef jokingly remarked, “A little less support. Yeah, that’s New York. We’re liberal, but we’re Italian.”

He expressed his thoughts, saying, “I’ve been thinking about her a lot. I can imagine her giving a truly inspiring speech. She would say something like, ‘Many politicians often speak about change.’ You can even picture it on a bumper sticker, ‘Genuine change.'”

Youssef mentioned that he stands out in his friend group for being one of the few who prays. He humorously remarked, “I have some sinful friends. They can be quite outrageous, and they reach out to me whenever they’re in a bind because they know I’ll pray for them.”

I received a call from a friend who is currently in a dispute with his ex over the custody of their dog. He expressed his concerns, saying, “Ramy, she doesn’t properly take care of the dog. She only feeds him kibble and doesn’t even give him wet food. It’s really affecting me, and I desperately need him back. Please, man, keep me in your prayers.”

A phone call followed from another friend, whose entire family resides in Gaza. He expressed his concern to Ramy, stating, “Ramy, they’re enduring immense hardship. I’m unaware of the whereabouts of half of them. I’m at a loss for what to do. Please keep them in your prayers. It’s the only action we can take.”

Youssef humorously remarked, “So that night, I had a lot on my prayer list. I needed to cover everything. My pleas included asking God to assist Ahmed’s family, end the suffering, and put an end to violence. I also prayed for the freedom of the people of Palestine.” The audience responded with enthusiastic applause.

“And please, I urge you to release all of the hostages,” he passionately requested, prompting a wave of enthusiastic applause. “And while you’re at it, consider setting free Mr. Bojangles. That dog is truly remarkable. I have been praying for his well-being.”

Youssef has actively advocated for peace between Israel and Gaza. Additionally, he proudly displayed an Artists for Ceasefire pin at the Oscars earlier this month.

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