Black and Latino voters increasingly support Trump, but the GOP must adjust its message

Eight years after Trump attracted white working-class voters to the Republican party, he is now gaining support from Black and Hispanic voters. Numerous polls indicate that Republicans are narrowing the gap with Democrats among these demographics, causing concern for the left.

Two decades ago, the left had high hopes that minority voters would be their unwavering support. They believed that building a powerful liberal majority in the 21st century would be possible with the backing of Black and Hispanic voters. However, things have not gone as planned for Democrats. In their efforts to mobilize their coalition, they have resorted to focusing on contentious issues. They have championed abortion rights to appeal to single women, highlighted climate change and the elimination of student debt to attract younger voters. And for Black and Hispanic voters, they have consistently emphasized the importance of addressing systemic racism and combatting anti-immigrant sentiments.

Democrats are set to intensify their efforts in this strategy leading up to November, aiming to attract more minority voters. However, instead of persisting with this approach, liberal leaders should take a moment to reflect on why a significant number of Black and Hispanic voters have shifted their support towards conservative ideologies. The answer, quite straightforwardly, lies in the fact that the Democratic Party has been neglecting the very issues that matter most to these communities.

President Joe Biden and prominent Democrats may be preoccupied with grievance politics, but recent polls indicate that Black and Hispanic voters have their attention firmly fixed on matters pertaining to jobs, inflation, and the overall state of the economy.

Their main concerns center around opportunity – specifically, the ability to support themselves and improve their lives and those of their children. They desire political leaders and policies that provide them with the greatest chance of achieving a fulfilling life.


Inflation has driven up families’ monthly expenses

Why aren’t Democrats focusing more on the issue of opportunity? It could be due to Biden’s track record in the White House, where he has been responsible for a significant increase in the inflation rate.

Research conducted by Moody’s Analytics revealed that in 2021, the average household incurred an additional $709 in monthly expenses. This equates to a staggering $8,500 per year in extra costs for the same goods and services.

A recent study found that the Biden economy is viewed positively by only 20% of Black Americans, which is the same percentage as white Americans. Meanwhile, only 14% of Hispanic Americans share a positive view of the economy under President Biden.

Biden asserts his support for women, yet his recent regulation is set to eliminate jobs that women desire.

The Democratic Party is experiencing a decline in minority support as a result of the prevailing economic frustration. While Trump and Republicans may be capitalizing on this shift, it would be inaccurate to attribute it solely to their efforts. Rather, they are inadvertently gaining the support of Black and Hispanic voters due to the Democrats’ failure to make a concerted effort to win them over in a decisive and lasting manner.

Republicans should embrace economic freedom as a response to economic frustration.

Republicans should actively engage with minority voters and directly address their aspirations for opportunity. This straightforward yet impactful message conveys our belief in their potential, our genuine concern for their well-being, and our commitment to assisting them in realizing the American dream.

The contrast between Republicans’ message and Democrats’ message is striking. While Democrats often focus on grievances and resentment, Republicans offer a more powerful and optimistic vision. This vision allows for a clear and coherent policy agenda.

Republicans need to promote economic opportunity

Republicans should champion the removal of bureaucratic obstacles that hinder opportunity, entrepreneurship, and wage growth. They ought to advocate for fairness in economic competition by discontinuing the provision of subsidies to politically influential corporations, thereby empowering ordinary individuals to establish their own small businesses.

They should make a commitment to remove government barriers, as government poses the greatest obstacle to opportunity for Americans from all walks of life. A compelling illustration of this is South Carolina Republican Sen. Tim Scott’s Opportunity Zones, which have effectively stimulated investment and fostered entrepreneurship in underprivileged minority communities since 2017.

Regrettably, the GOP is not taking sufficient action to promote these policies. Instead of upholding their longstanding principles of promoting free markets and empowering individuals, Republicans are now embracing their own version of government control known as “industrial policy,” where the government supports certain industries at the expense of everyone else.

Trump, meanwhile, indulges in his own version of grievance politics, constantly discussing the prospect of retribution against his adversaries rather than focusing on uplifting the entire American populace.

Black and Hispanic voters are already trending rightward, but the former president and his fellow Republicans do not seem to want to change their approach. The shift in voting behavior is not necessarily due to Trump’s strengths, but rather a reaction to Biden’s failures.

Republicans are still working on persuading minority voters that the GOP offers a lasting place for those seeking higher wages, improved employment opportunities, and a more promising future.

If the party remains steadfast in its commitment to economic freedom, it won’t just shatter the “blue wall” of traditionally Democratic-leaning states in the upcoming 2024 election. It will fracture the Democratic coalition for generations to come.

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