Biden’s Democratic NYC gala held amidst city’s mourning over murdered police officer, sparking criticism

Last week, four presidents visited New York City. Surprisingly, only one of them took the time to honor a fallen NYPD officer.

Who was responsible for the actions: Biden, Obama, Clinton, or Trump?

It is clear that the answer is apparent, even without any knowledge of the individuals present at the Massapequa Funeral Home.

Donald Trump was warmly embraced by the family of Detective Jonathan Diller, a 31-year-old father who tragically lost his life to a repeat offender who should have been behind bars.

“It was Trump who expressed the right sentiments and demonstrated empathy, understanding the significance of such a moment. He recognized the importance of showing up and acknowledging the sacrifices made and the impact it has on the global stage.”


Not being a professional politician, he relied on his natural human instinct to provide solace to a grieving widow and her 1-year-old son, who will never have any recollection of his late father.

Coming from Queens, he was well aware of the immense expectations placed upon the sea of police officers who stood stoically in the pouring rain, a powerful symbol of their unwavering respect for their fallen comrade.

He understands that the passing of Diller is a significant moment that goes beyond politics, and as a smart populist leader, he recognizes this.

The callous and corrupt establishment betrays the people by persistently perpetuating the lie that law enforcement criminalizes poverty. Despite changing faces, this establishment continues to disregard the plight of the impoverished.

Police officers like Diller make immense sacrifices to safeguard the lives of the less fortunate and the vulnerable. Their presence is crucial in maintaining order and preventing chaos.

The Cardinal from DC criticizes President Biden for being a “cafeteria Catholic” when it comes to abortion, accusing him of selectively choosing which teachings to follow.

Fanning the flames of animosity towards law enforcement

Diller’s death marked the tragic end of the detrimental criminal justice “reform” movement, which had gained momentum in the years leading up to the pandemic. This movement exploited the tragic death of George Floyd to launch a severe attack on law and order. The Democrats, in turn, championed this cause as a noble endeavor during their 2020 convention.

Politicians who are engaged in the anti-cop movement are accountable for the consequences.

Stephanie Diller expressed her heart-wrenching emotions in a moving eulogy for her late husband.

“It has been over two years since Detectives Jason Rivera and Wilbert Mora made the ultimate sacrifice, much like my late husband, Jonathan Diller. Today, Dominique Rivera addressed the gathered elected officials, passionately advocating for meaningful change.”

“That change never materialized. As a result, my son will have to navigate life without his father, and I will have to face old age without my husband by my side. It is a heartbreaking reality for all of us, as his parents must now bid farewell to their beloved child.”

“How many more police officers must lose their lives and how many more families have to endure the devastating loss before we prioritize their protection?”

“I wouldn’t want anyone to experience this level of pain. Jonathan dedicated his life to helping others, and now it’s our turn to show our support for all the officers he represents by doing good.”

Gov. Kathy Hochul faced a cold reception and was not welcomed in Massapequa. She also received a dismissive response at Diller’s wake.

She has taken no action to overturn the law that her predecessor, Andrew Cuomo, who had his eyes on the presidency, signed in 2019 to abolish cash bail for the majority of offenses.

As soon as violent predators were set free to live among us without facing any consequences for their actions, the crime rate skyrocketed.

In February 2020, there was a significant increase of 22.5% in major crime. The impact of the COVID lockdowns concealed the severity of the situation. However, the problem was further exacerbated by the actions of Bill de Blasio, who, as New York’s worst-ever mayor, made the decision to release prison inmates on compassionate grounds.

We should prioritize showing compassion towards criminals rather than focusing solely on the potential victims they may harm in the future. It is important to remember that we are all capable of making mistakes and finding ourselves in difficult situations, just like those currently residing on Rikers Island.

The team of gentle caregivers

The George Floyd riots brought about the perfect storm, exacerbated by de Blasio’s decision to cut the NYPD budget by $1 million.

Alvin Bragg and Letitia James prioritize prosecuting Trump for imagined offenses rather than focusing on apprehending violent criminals who assault police officers and commit heinous acts, such as pushing innocent bystanders onto subway tracks, targeting women with sucker punches, and mugging cyclists at knifepoint in Central Park.

The NYPD has resorted to using billboards in Times Square as a means to alert individuals about the presence of pickpockets and shoplifting gangs that are prevalent in the city.

During Diller’s funeral on Holy Saturday, Mayor Eric Adams expressed some promising words; however, his actions have yet to address and resolve the existing problem.

The Biden administration has been criticized for not providing enough financial support and accommodations to the millions of illegal migrants in New York. Instead of addressing the issue of the burden caused by this influx, the focus seems to be on providing cash cards and free hotel rooms to these unwanted “newcomers.”

Biden was presented as the Democrats’ thoughtful and empathetic solution to the tumultuous era under Trump. However, the reality has turned out to be quite different. The supposed antidote has proven to be more harmful than the initial problem, and all the qualities that Biden claimed to possess were nothing but an illusion.

Did the 80 million people who voted for Biden in 2020 anticipate that he would not make an effort to contact Detective Diller’s family?

He arrived in New York City on Maundy Thursday for a spectacular $25 million fundraiser at Radio City Music Hall, accompanied by Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, and Lizzo. Surprisingly, he didn’t make any mention of the tragic murder of a police officer who was currently lying in the Massapequa Funeral Home, just 40 miles away.

As Trump astutely observed, understanding politics doesn’t require advanced knowledge or expertise. It should be a fundamental principle taught in Politics 101.

Show some semblance of empathy.

It is interesting to note that whenever Biden attempts to recite the Declaration of Independence, the foundational moral document of the nation he has the privilege of leading, he often stumbles over the mention of God.

During his speech on Thursday night, he passionately urged the audience to reflect on a profound thought. He emphasized the significance of their existence, stating that it was not a mere exaggeration. He firmly believed that their creation was based on the fundamental principle that all individuals, regardless of gender, are inherently equal. This idea, he asserted, was the very foundation upon which they were built.

The original line reads as follows: “We believe these truths to be obvious, that every individual is born equal, and they are granted certain fundamental rights by their Creator, including the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”

He always finds it difficult to say “their Creator” for some inexplicable reason.

He managed to avoid referring to God as “the thing” this time around, unlike a few years ago when he stumbled and said, “All men and women are created, by the, you know, you know, the thing.”

Despite his outward display of piety and regular attendance at Mass, Biden’s presidency has shown a lack of respect towards Christianity. A glaring example of this was when he declared Easter Sunday, the most sacred day in Christianity, as “Transgender Day of Visibility.”

Trump may not be perfect, but he doesn’t try to deceive anyone about who he is. Despite his numerous flaws, Trump remains unapologetically himself.

In a world where people constantly change and adapt, he remains steadfast and unchanged, flaws and all. In a time of ever-changing personas, his unwavering consistency is a rare and valuable trait.

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