Migrants Transported To Martha’s Vineyard By Desantis Can File Lawsuit Against Charter Flight Company, Judge Rules

A district court judge recently ruled that the migrants, who were transported to Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts, by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis in September 2022, can proceed with their case against the charter flight company, Vertol Systems Co.

On September 14, 2022, a group of migrants eagerly boarded two flights from San Antonio, Texas, bound for Martha’s Vineyard. They had been led to believe that their lives would be transformed with improved housing, employment, and educational prospects. Unfortunately, this turned out to be a false promise.

Governors from the GOP, including DeSantis, have transported migrants by both air and bus to various locations such as Massachusetts, New York, and Chicago. Their intention behind this effort is to make liberal areas experience the consequences of what they perceive as lenient immigration policies.

Lawyers representing the migrants have filed a case, accusing the defendants of various violations. These allegations include violations of the Fourth and 14th amendments, civil rights violations, discrimination, false imprisonment, fraud/deceit, intentional infliction of emotional distress, negligent infliction of emotional distress, civil conspiracy, and aiding and abetting.

According to Judge Allison D. Burroughs, the defendants were not genuinely enforcing any immigration laws. Instead, as alleged, they exploited the plaintiffs in a scheme to enhance the national profile of Defendant DeSantis and manipulate them for political ends.


“Furthermore, the plaintiffs’ images were captured and shared with national news media. In contrast to ICE agents who are lawfully enforcing immigration laws, the court finds no valid reason for rounding up individuals in a vulnerable position with false pretenses and thrusting them into a divisive national discourse,” Burroughs stated. “Treating vulnerable individuals such as the plaintiffs in the manner alleged and accepted as true for the purpose of this motion to dismiss is undeniably extreme, outrageous, uncivilized, intolerable, and astonishing.”

Vertol did not provide any comment in response to the request.

A spokesperson from DeSantis’s office stated that the flights were conducted in accordance with the law and were authorized by the Florida Legislature. They expressed anticipation for the next relocation flight for illegal immigrants in Florida, emphasizing the importance of bringing national attention to the crisis at the southern border.

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