Family Of Murder Victim Refutes Trump’s Assertion Of Contact With Them

The family of Ruby Garcia, a murder victim from Michigan, expressed their shock on Tuesday while watching Donald Trump’s announcement that he had spoken with them. They claim that this conversation never took place.

During a campaign rally in Grand Rapids, Trump brought up the tragic death of Garcia. Last month, Brandon Ortiz-Vite, who authorities claim is in the U.S. illegally, was charged with her murder.

“Ruby’s loved ones and community are mourning the loss of this remarkable young woman. Those who knew her remember her for her infectious laughter and how she would brighten up any room she entered,” Trump expressed. “I have personally spoken to some of her family members, and I have heard the same sentiment from many others.”

According to Mavi Garcia, the sister of Garcia, this statement is not true, as reported by local NBC affiliate Target 8.

According to Garcia, the family spokesperson, it was quite surprising to hear that he claimed to have spoken with us when in reality, he did not communicate with any of us. It was misleading to misinform people on live TV. Garcia also clarified that Trump did not have any conversations with her relatives.


The Trump campaign did not respond to The Daily Beast’s request for comment.

Garcia also voiced his criticism towards Trump’s frequent mention of crimes committed by migrants who were in the U.S. without legal status.

During an interview with Target 8, she expressed her concern about the focus on illegal immigrants when discussing heinous crimes. She questioned why there is not as much attention given to American citizens who commit similar offenses.

During his remarks on Tuesday, Trump made an error by stating Ruby Garcia’s age as 17, when in fact she was 25 years old, as reported by the Associated Press.

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