Family Of Murder Victim Ruby Garcia Accuses Trump Of Lying And Exploiting Her Death For Border Debate

In the spotlight: Ruby Garcia, a Michigan woman allegedly killed by her undocumented partner, following the recent case of Laken Riley in Georgia. Former President Donald Trump has brought attention to these incidents.

During a speech in Michigan on Tuesday, Trump brought attention to Garcia’s death, which critics argue is an attempt to politicize her murder. Garcia’s sister has also disputed Trump’s claim that he spoke with the family, stating that this is not true.

Immigration has always been a key aspect of Trump’s political identity, with a particular focus on crimes committed by undocumented immigrants.

In 2016, when launching his initial presidential campaign at Trump Tower in New York City, Trump made a statement asserting that the individuals coming from Mexico were not the best. He claimed that they were bringing drugs, engaging in criminal activities, and were rapists. However, he also acknowledged that some of them might be good people.

Former President often fixates on the most sensational criminal cases. Garcia suffered multiple gunshot wounds and was abandoned on the roadside.


According to Graham Ousey, a professor at William & Mary and co-author of “Immigration and Crime: Taking Stock,” the available evidence indicates that undocumented immigrants do not commit crimes at higher rates than the general population. In fact, some studies even suggest that they may have lower crime rates. However, it is important to note that the data on this topic is limited. Ousey also points out that these trends hold true for violent crime as well.

According to Ousey, the notion that immigration, particularly undocumented immigration, is causing a crime wave lacks substantial evidence. He believes that this is a political issue being used for a specific agenda rather than being based on factual data.

Data on homicides: While Laken Riley’s death received media attention, it is important to note that undocumented migrants actually commit fewer homicides.

Voters’ concerns about immigration and crime have been reflected in recent polls, and Trump is capitalizing on these issues by bringing them to the forefront of his agenda.

According to GOP strategist John Yob, addressing this issue could potentially sway soft Republican voters in the suburbs, specifically “soccer moms” who prioritize public safety. These voters may have been disillusioned by Trump and his association with events like the January 6, 2021 Capitol riot, as well as Republican attempts to limit abortion rights.

“The soccer moms who were once swing voters have now transformed into security moms, prioritizing the safety of their families amidst the influx of illegal immigrants into their communities and the rise in violent crimes,” explained Yob, a Republican consultant with a wealth of experience in Michigan GOP politics and involvement in various presidential campaigns.

During the Grand Rapids event, Trump reinforced those sentiments on Tuesday, stating that “suburban housewives actually have a liking for Donald Trump. And you know why? It’s because I am the one who will ensure their safety.”

Surrounded by uniformed law enforcement officers on Tuesday at the Grand Rapids Convention Center, Trump reiterated his stance on crimes committed by undocumented immigrants, referring to it as “a new form of crime, known as migrant crime.”

During his speech, the former president highlighted Garcia’s tragic fate, emphasizing that she had fallen victim to a heinous crime committed by an illegal alien.

According to Trump, Biden has been negligent in his efforts to curb illegal immigration. In response, Biden has highlighted his support for bipartisan border legislation, while pointing out that Trump opposed it.

U.S. Representative Hillary Scholten, a Democrat representing the Grand Rapids area, criticized the border bill on Tuesday, suggesting that President Trump is prioritizing political theater over finding a solution to the immigration issue.

Ortiz-Vite, who arrived in the country as a child without proper documentation, was granted legal status through the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program. However, his legal status expired in 2019. In 2020, he was deported by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Despite this, he managed to re-enter the U.S. illegally at an undisclosed time.

Scholten expressed deep concern and horror about Trump’s attempt to politicize Garcia’s death. He emphasized that Trump disregards the fact that Garcia was a victim of domestic violence and that her alleged killer illegally acquired the weapon.

“We must acknowledge the undeniable truth that the person responsible for her death was residing in this country without proper authorization,” she emphasized. “However, it is crucial to recognize that Ruby Garcia’s tragic demise was also a result of domestic violence and the unfortunate accessibility of a firearm to an unauthorized individual.”

“It’s quite revealing that their focus is solely on politicizing the immigration aspect,” she added.

Garcia’s sister expressed her frustration on Facebook, stating that she hoped reporters would stop using her sister’s story for political purposes. She emphasized that her sister’s death should not be exploited in such a manner. Riley’s father also shared his concerns during an interview, expressing his belief that his daughter was being used for political gain. However, it is worth noting that other members of her family appeared with Trump at a rally in Georgia last month.

On Tuesday, Trump claimed to have spoken with members of Garcia’s family. However, Garcia’s sister contradicted this statement, stating that it was false in an interview with FOX17 and Target 8 television stations.

Mavi Garcia seemed to question Trump’s emphasis on crimes committed by undocumented immigrants.

“It has always been focused on illegal immigrants,” she voiced her concern. “There seems to be a silence when it comes to heinous crimes committed by Americans. It’s quite surprising why he would solely highlight the issue of illegals. What about the Americans who engage in such atrocious acts?”

In addition to shedding light on the tragic death of Garcia, Trump also made a brief mention of another murder committed by an undocumented immigrant in western Michigan last year. Luis Bernal-Sosa was found guilty in February for the murder of Leah Gomez. According to a statement from ICE, Bernal-Sosa was residing in the country unlawfully.

Ousey stated that it is incorrect and regrettable to imply that a person’s immigration status is a direct cause of their behavior.

Yob emphasized the need for attention to be given to the murders.

According to him, “Two murders in West Michigan is two too many, and illegal immigrants do not have the right to be in our community. Our voters deserve to feel safe in their own backyards.”

According to Kaplan, despite the initial ridicule, the idea of building a wall proposed by Donald Trump has gained significant support, with over 50% of the population now in favor of it.

Kaplan is uncertain whether the issue will resonate with college-educated women voters, as Republicans are anticipating.

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