Over 400 Lawmakers And Other Individuals Join In Letter Calling On Biden To Prioritize Racial Equity

Over 400 lawmakers, activists, civil rights leaders, musicians, and actors have come together to write a joint letter to President Joe Biden. In this letter, they are urging him to lend his support to a series of Congressional bills focused on racial equity and reparative justice. They are specifically requesting that President Biden take action through executive orders and actions.

After numerous unsuccessful attempts to secure a meeting with the White House over the past few months, leaders have made a fresh effort on Thursday. In an open letter, they earnestly implored President Biden, emphasizing that the fate of our Union hinges on the passage of these bills.

Marcus Anthony Hunter, a professor of sociology and African American studies at UCLA, is spearheading the initiative. As the originator of the phrase “Black Lives Matter,” Hunter explained that the letter serves as a means of holding individuals accountable. This endeavor comes after extensive deliberations in both Washington, D.C., and various locations nationwide.

The leaders expressed in the letter that the discussion on immediate executive action for reparations is not only a matter of policy, but also crucial for the people of the United States of America, the destiny of our democracy, national unity, and national security.

They added that they urge you to promptly meet with Congressional members and advocates to address and address the outstanding task of promoting comprehensive equity through executive orders and actions.


On February 19th, lawmakers, activists, and civil rights leaders joined forces to send two separate letters to the White House. The purpose of these letters was to urge the Biden administration to prioritize the important work of achieving racial equity.

According to Bowman, each of the proposed legislations represents a crucial step in addressing the long-standing consequences of America’s historical injustices. These measures aim to rectify the damages caused by centuries of discrimination, redlining, and institutionalized oppression. Bowman emphasizes the importance of acknowledging the truth about our history and its ongoing impact on our communities. By doing so, we can work together towards creating a more promising future.

In the halls of Congress, certain legislators have been quietly drafting bills to bring much-needed attention to the concept of reparative justice.

In 2023, Bush created a groundbreaking resolution that delves into the long-standing history of African enslavement, discrimination after Jim Crow, and other topics of racial significance. This 23-page resolution marks a significant milestone in acknowledging and understanding these profound issues.

Congresswoman Lee has reintroduced a bill that aims to establish the United States Commission on Truth, Racial Healing, and Transformation. The bill, which she has proposed, seeks to investigate the lasting consequences of slavery, institutional racism, and discrimination against people of color. Additionally, it aims to examine the influence of history on the development of laws and policies.

Bush and Lee’s bills are designed to complement Jackson Lee’s H.R. 40, the Commission to Study and Develop Reparation Proposals for African Americans Act. This bill was named after a pledge made shortly after the Civil War, where Union leaders promised freed families “40 acres and a mule” – a promise that was never fulfilled. H.R. 40 has been introduced in every legislative session since 1989 but has faced obstacles in Congress for over three decades. However, in 2021, it made progress by passing out of the House Judiciary Committee. Despite this, it has yet to be voted on in either the House or Senate.

“We are clearly at a crucial juncture where the passage of H.R. 40 is necessary to restore national harmony,” expressed Jackson Lee in an interview with ABC News. “It is disheartening to witness the ongoing assault on diversity, equity, and inclusion, both within Congress and throughout the country. These regressive actions undermine the progress we have made in bridging divides and fostering tolerance, evoking painful reminders of our nation’s darkest times.”

During the 2023 State of the Union address, President Biden called on Congress to unite and take action on police reform, emphasizing the need to “finish the job” and make a difference. However, despite the passage of time and a change in the House Speaker, Congress has yet to make significant headway on police reform or any initiatives aimed at promoting reparative justice and racial equity.

Hunter expressed a strong sentiment, stating that unless justice is served for George Floyd and Breonna Taylor, the people in power will not be able to achieve any other goals.

Despite the numerous efforts across the U.S. on the issue, Biden has not been vocal about reparations. States like California, Illinois, Massachusetts, New York, and North Carolina are actively taking up the issue of reparations.

On April 4, the letter was sent, strategically timed to coincide with the anniversary of the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. This was done in order to emphasize the historical importance of his death in the fight for fairness and justice, according to Hunter.

In an interview with ABC News, Lee emphasized the importance of urging the Biden administration to prioritize restorative justice and reparations for marginalized communities. Lee expressed concern that without swift action, the progress made towards truth and racial healing could be undermined, especially as the country enters another critical election year.

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