Lara Trump ‘we Are Leaving Nothing To Chance’ In 2024 Election

Lara Trump, co-Chair of the Republican National Committee (RNC), emphasized the importance of election integrity in the current cycle. She expressed a firm commitment to allocating resources to ensure that no aspect of the process is left to chance.

“But when you talk about election integrity, it is vital. It is the No. 1 thing that we are focused on, aside from getting out the vote, which, of course, Donald Trump himself will do for us,” Lara Trump said Sunday during Fox News’s “Sunday Morning Futures.”

“We are ensuring that this election, we are leaving nothing to chance,” she continued. “We never before at the RNC have had an Election Integrity Division. All of our resources, we can put into this division as needed.”

Lara Trump cited a recent campaign fundraiser headlined by former President Trump. The event was expected to generate approximately $50 million, with a portion of the funds allocated towards training poll workers and providing legal support in essential voting precincts.

RNC Chair Michael Whatley, who joined Lara Trump on Sunday, emphasized the committee’s efforts in collaborating with state legislatures, boards of elections, and secretaries of states. Their primary goal is to ensure the accurate establishment of the rules and regulations governing the electoral process.


Both Whatley and Lara Trump received endorsements from the former president and were elected as the newest leaders of the RNC last month.

The RNC has made election integrity a top priority, given the ongoing doubts surrounding the accuracy of election outcomes.

During a recent interview on NewsNation’s “The Hill Sunday,” Whatley avoided directly addressing questions about whether the 2020 election was stolen. Instead, he shifted the focus of the conversation towards the importance of maintaining election integrity.

He continued by emphasizing the need for certain measures to ensure the integrity of the voting process. These measures include the elimination of drop boxes, the implementation of voter ID requirements, and the inclusion of witness signatures on absentee ballots.

When asked once more about the accuracy of the 2020 election vote count or if it was rigged, Whatley referred to his vote in support of former President Trump.

“I was actually a member of the Electoral College, and I proudly cast my vote for Donald Trump. The Electoral College numbers came back, and Joe Biden is now the president. But we’re not giving up. We’re working tirelessly every day to make sure that we come out victorious in the 2024 election.”

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