Napolitano: Trump’s claim of being a ‘law and order candidate’ is as believable as me claiming to play in the NBA

Former President Trump’s claim of being the “law and order” candidate, according to former Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano, is comparable to her proclaiming that she plays in the NBA.

In a recent interview on MSNBC’s “Inside with Jen Psaki,” the speaker highlighted the inconsistency of former President Trump running as a self-proclaimed “law and order” candidate. Drawing a parallel, she humorously remarked, “It would be like me saying I play in the NBA. I mean, it just… just doesn’t hold true.”

During a recent interview, host Jen Psaki asked Napolitano for her thoughts on Trump’s continuous assertions that crime in the U.S. is “worse than ever.” Psaki acknowledged that while crime rates have decreased in most areas of the country, there has been an increase in certain cities, including Washington, D.C. However, Napolitano, who held a position in the Obama administration from 2009 to 2013, countered the notion that crime has surged under President Biden’s administration.

According to her, there was a significant increase in violent crime towards the end of the Trump presidency, coinciding with the COVID pandemic. However, crime rates have been steadily declining since then, with some years showing a remarkable decrease. In fact, 2023 witnessed the largest one-year drop in violent crime across the nation since around 1960.

According to recent FBI data, there has been a consistent decrease in violent crime in the United States throughout 2023, following a surge during the pandemic. President Biden acknowledged these encouraging statistics and emphasized his commitment to ensuring the safety of communities.


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