Former DNC Chairwoman Donna Brazile expresses frustration over lack of attention to Biden’s speeches

Former Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Donna Brazile stated Sunday that President Biden should “speak out more” while complaining that “nobody listens” when he does make public statements.

When asked on ABC’s “This Week” if Biden, 81, should make more public statements about the Middle East and Ukraine wars, Brazile said, “Absolutely,” before attacking the media.

“We are a superpower, not just in Israel and Ukraine.” He is the commander-in-chief. “He should definitely speak up more,” said the long-time political expert.

“And also, we should cover what he’s saying because often, when he speaks, nobody listens,” he said.

Biden has maintained a modest media profile during his administration, interacting with the press significantly less than many of his predecessors.


According to political analyst Martha Kumar, Biden has held fewer press conferences than any commander-in-chief since former President Ronald Reagan.

Biden has also conducted fewer sit-down interviews than the previous six presidents within the same time period.

His most recent Oval Office address was in October, when he urged Congress to approve more than $100 billion in security and humanitarian assistance for Israel, Ukraine, and Taiwan.

It was only his second prime-time Oval Office address as president.

Democratic strategist Paul Begala urged in February that Biden should spend more time in front of cameras and microphones in preparation for his November rematch with former President Donald Trump, despite his proclivity for gaffes.

“I want to see more Joe Biden—the gaffes are built in,” Begala stated during an interview with CNN.

Biden has regularly warned crowds that he will be “in trouble” for answering illegal questions.

On several occasions, the president has been heard asking staffers for permission to “take a couple of questions” during campaign rallies and public appearances.

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