GOP Nominee For North Carolina Governor Did Not File Federal Income Taxes For 5 Years

North Carolina’s Lieutenant Governor, Mark Robinson, has been transparent about his previous financial struggles, which involved unpaid debts and rent arrears.

Throughout his political career, he has consistently criticized the social safety net and belittled individuals who depend on government assistance. These views have not changed as he secured the Republican gubernatorial nomination in the state.

In previous discussions, Robinson has openly acknowledged his financial challenges. However, bankruptcy records obtained by ABC News reveal a more alarming and comprehensive account of his financial and business background than previously revealed. These records shed light on the fact that the aspiring governor failed to file his federal income taxes for five consecutive years, commencing in 1998.

In his autobiography “We Are The Majority” published in 2022, Robinson shares the story of how his wife made the decision to open a daycare center in 2000. He attributes the success of the venture to the grace of God. The lieutenant governor’s office website states that Robinson and his wife were fortunate to have the opportunity to start, manage, and eventually sell a thriving small business together.

According to the book, as the daycare expanded, Robinson’s wife made the decision to leave her job at an aviation company and halt her college classes. This allowed her to dedicate herself fully to the thriving business. Robinson mentioned in his writing that the business had outgrown their home, prompting the move to a separate building.


In his book, Robinson, North Carolina’s first Black lieutenant governor as of 2020, reflects on the performance of his business, stating that it was “running well” and highlighting their commitment to timely bill payments. However, he also acknowledges the challenges of running a daycare and keeping it financially stable. Interestingly, the book omits any mention of Robinson’s personal experience of filing for bankruptcy a few years after the daycare’s establishment.

‘Precious Beginnings’

According to the United States Bankruptcy Court, Middle District of North Carolina, Mark and Yolanda Robinson, who were operating under the business name Precious Beginnings, filed for Chapter 13 bankruptcy on January 8, 2003. It is worth noting that Robinson had previously filed for bankruptcy twice before, in 1998 and 1999.

When the Robinson family sought bankruptcy protection, they detailed a series of severe economic challenges. Based on their 2003 filing, the family was confronted with the repossession of two vehicles and the imminent foreclosure of their Greensboro residence. The records further revealed that Robinson had a mere $70 to his name at the time, consisting of $40 in cash and $30 in savings, along with $4,720 worth of personal belongings. Their reported debts exceeded $1 million, encompassing $290,525 in unsecured debts and $871,550 in secured debts.

According to the documents, Robinson failed to file income taxes for five years. In 2003, after filing for bankruptcy, the Internal Revenue Service motioned for the Bankruptcy Court to compel Robinson to file taxes for the years 1998-2002.

The United States Attorney for the Middle District of North Carolina has respectfully filed a motion with the Bankruptcy Court, urging the court to compel debtor Mark Keith Robinson to provide his individual income tax returns for the years 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, and 2002. In the absence of these tax returns, the Internal Revenue Service is unable to accurately assess Mr. Robinson’s unpaid taxes and file a proof of claim. As a result, the United States Attorney requests that the court either orders Mr. Robinson to submit the requested tax returns or dismisses the case with prejudice.

In May 2003, Robinson finally submitted his overdue tax returns.

According to the records, the Robinsons lost their Chapter 13 bankruptcy protection in October 2003 due to their failure to comply with the requirements of the plan.

Mike Lonergan, the campaign communications director for Robinson, dismissed the allegations as old news being recycled by the Democrats and the press in order to divert the attention of the voters.

In a statement, it was acknowledged that Lt. Governor Robinson openly discusses the financial difficulties he has faced in the past. Having experienced firsthand the consequences of NAFTA, which resulted in the loss of his factory job and the foreclosure of his home, he even had to declare bankruptcy. These challenges, both financial and personal, have been overcome by the Lt. Governor. His own life experiences have allowed him to understand and empathize with the struggles that families in North Carolina encounter on a daily basis. The people of North Carolina are looking for a governor who will prioritize finding solutions to their problems, rather than another career politician solely focused on advancing their own political career.

Robinson has faced previous scrutiny regarding his taxes. In 2022, when questioned about having outstanding Guilford County vehicle tax bills amounting to hundreds of dollars, Robinson initially implied that his wife was responsible for handling their taxes, as reported by WRAL-TV News in Raleigh.

In a lighthearted manner, Robinson expressed his apprehension towards taxes, jokingly stating, “When you start talking about taxes, if I’m the guy doing them, somebody’s going to jail. I’m not very good at math.” His humorous remark highlights his lack of confidence in handling tax-related matters.

In a statement to WRAL News, Robinson expressed his unawareness of the vehicle taxes owed and promptly addressed the issue by making immediate payment.

‘The death in this country of responsibility’

In his book, Robinson shares the early financial challenges his family faced, including the unfortunate foreclosure of their first home.

“We made some mistakes along the way. We experienced the loss of our house, which was repossessed,” he shared. “Following that, it felt like we were pushed into unfamiliar territory. We had been squandering our resources and time. I personally wasted a significant amount of time. However, it was during the period after losing our house that we gained invaluable lessons. While we had a better experience while living in the house, it was the post-house period that provided us with a wealth of knowledge.”

In his statement, he acknowledged that everyone involved in politics has made their fair share of mistakes.

Many individuals are dissuaded from pursuing a political career due to past mistakes they have made in their lives. This includes instances such as declaring bankruptcy, infidelity, past incarceration, or struggling with substance abuse. Author Robinson acknowledged the fact that it is difficult to find individuals who have never made mistakes. In reality, even within the political realm of Washington, D.C., there are individuals who have committed more severe transgressions.

According to Robinson, the war on poverty was initiated and carried out as a tactic to secure votes. He expressed this viewpoint during an interview on the Anomic Age Podcast in 2019. Robinson believes that the Democratic Party used this strategy to appeal to individuals who were struggling financially. He further emphasized the importance of self-reliance, stating that individuals should prioritize taking care of themselves. In his opinion, the overreliance on government assistance has led to a decline in personal responsibility within the country.

According to the speaker, there is no shortage of charitable resources in our country. He emphasizes that there are numerous places where people can find assistance. However, he believes that the real problem lies in the abuse of the system by certain individuals. He suggests that this misuse of social programs has had a detrimental effect on our work ethic.

According to Robinson, if you neglect your financial responsibilities and fail to pay your bills on time, you will not have the same freedom as others. This lack of responsibility can hinder your ability to purchase the house or car of your choice. Similarly, when it comes to law and order, failing to be responsible can lead to a loss of freedom. Robinson argues that the Democrats’ current agenda reflects a removal of personal responsibility from various aspects of life.

In 2020, in his Facebook posts, Robinson strongly criticized the idea of student loan forgiveness as Democrats were advocating for it. He expressed his opposition by stating, “So, as we discuss the notion of canceling ‘student debt,’ I also believe we should cancel ‘parent debt.’ This includes obligations such as mortgages and auto loans.”

‘Better than Martin Luther King’

In 2018, Robinson made a powerful entrance into the world of politics with a speech advocating for gun rights, which quickly went viral. This came in the aftermath of the tragic shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. However, Robinson has not been without his fair share of controversy, as he has faced significant criticism for some of his past remarks.

Robinson had previously mocked and attacked the teenage survivors of the Parkland shooting. In a Facebook post, he referred to the students as “spoiled, angry, know-it-all CHILDREN” and “media prosti-tots.”

The Republican nominee for governor has also received criticism from fellow party members, including North Carolina Senator Thom Tillis, who endorsed Robinson’s rival in the primary race.

According to Tillis, Mark Robinson has little legislative experience and limited business experience. However, he is considered to be a decent individual.

During his endorsement of Robinson last month, Trump expressed his belief that Robinson was superior to Martin Luther King, stating, “I think you’re better than Martin Luther King. I think you are Martin Luther King times two.”

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