Tester Demands Action From Mayorkas On Border Crisis

During a hearing this week, Senator Jon Tester, a crucial vote on the issue of a full impeachment trial for Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, addressed Mayorkas directly regarding the situation at the southern border.

Senator Tester, who is facing a tough reelection campaign, didn’t hold back in his criticism of Secretary Mayorkas during the Senate Appropriations subcommittee hearing on Wednesday.

Senator Tester expressed his concern about the dire situation at the southern border, emphasizing the urgent need for repair, fixing, and an immediate overhaul. With a critical gaze, he directed his remarks at the embattled Homeland Security secretary, who had faced impeachment by the House in February.

“We are witnessing a significant increase in the number of encounters at the southern border. The issue of fentanyl entering our country is frequently discussed,” he stated.

Tester emphasized the urgent need for fixing the border, stating that it is crucial for Congress, the administration, and the public to take action. His voice grew louder as he expressed this sentiment.


He declared that if they are able to do that, they can fix it. However, it will require continuous due diligence on the border to make it happen.

Tester is becoming a crucial vote in determining whether the Senate will promptly dismiss the two articles of impeachment against Mayorkas that House Republicans plan to present to the upper chamber next week.

The impeachment has faced strong opposition from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and many Democrats. In fact, a spokesperson from the DHS has vehemently denied the impeachment, stating that it lacks any evidence or valid constitutional basis.

“I had the opportunity to review the papers,” he stated, alluding to the charges outlined in the articles of impeachment. “Ultimately, my intention is to thoroughly examine the documents, refresh my understanding of what the House has done…and then we will decide the appropriate course of action.”

With 51 seats under the control of Senate Democrats, Tester possesses the ability to hinder a motion to table the impeachment charges in the event that all 49 Republicans decide to move forward with a complete trial.

Tester expressed to reporters this week that he is facing a barrage of attack ads regarding the border situation, as opponents attempt to sway the outcome of the Montana Senate race. Tim Sheehy, a businessman and Navy veteran, is challenging Tester in what is considered one of the Republican Party’s most promising chances to gain a seat.

During the hearing, the lawmaker urged President Biden and Secretary Mayorkas to utilize their executive powers to secure the border in order to address the ongoing situation. The lawmaker inquired whether the administration had any intentions of employing additional executive powers to tackle the challenges at the southern border.

Mayorkas expressed that he and the president are actively considering executive actions to restrict the influx of migrants crossing the southern border. However, he acknowledged that they are constrained by the limitations imposed by the courts in terms of the extent of their actions.

According to Mayorkas, it is important to acknowledge that the previous administration attempted to close the border through executive action but faced legal challenges. He argues that in order to effectively address the situation, Congress needs to reform the country’s asylum laws and grant Biden additional emergency authority to close the border. These priorities were included in a bipartisan border security bill, which unfortunately, Republicans defeated in the Senate in February.

Mayorkas expressed his belief that the bill had the potential to bring about significant transformation.

The Secretary of Homeland Security admitted that there are numerous other improvements required in the legal immigration system. However, he praised the reforms that were halted on the Senate floor as an exceptional legislative action.

Tester criticized Republicans for derailing the bill, accusing his GOP colleagues of playing politics and exploiting the border crisis as a campaign issue in the upcoming election.

According to the speaker, Congress had an opportunity to take action regarding the southern border, as well as the northern border, which is significant for states like Montana. However, instead of addressing the issue, Congress decided to engage in political games. The speaker highlights that in the 60 days following the failure to pass a bill, there were instances where 6,500 individuals crossed the border, potentially preventable if the bill had been passed. It is clear that the decision to prioritize politics over practical solutions had negative consequences.

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