RFK Jr. consultant fired after saying voting for him helps ‘get rid of Biden’

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s independent presidential campaign has terminated its contract with a consultant who was captured on video urging individuals to vote for him in order to remove Biden from office, even if it means electing former President Donald Trump.

Campaign manager Amaryllis Fox took to X to address a request from a supporter of Kennedy’s campaign. The supporter asked for the campaign to distance itself from consultant Rita Palma. In response, Fox announced the decision in a post on the platform.

The video of Palma’s comments has sparked a wave of enthusiasm among Democrats online. They believe that this video validates their accusations that Kennedy’s campaign is aimed at returning the White House to Trump rather than supporting President Joe Biden. However, Kennedy strongly denies these allegations.

“After being terminated, Palma expressed her gratitude for her time with Team Kennedy, describing it as one of the most remarkable political experiences of her life. She emphasized that she had the privilege of working with exceptional individuals throughout her journey.”

“I have no hard feelings towards Bobby and I am excited to witness his success in the next seven months,” expressed Palma.


When asked about why she identified herself as the campaign’s New York state director, she did not provide a response.

Kennedy’s team had already been disputing Palma’s remarks in the video, which Democratic operatives have widely disseminated on social media and other platforms.

During the Friday event, Palma assured Kennedy supporters that supporting him in New York would ensure that “we’re rid of Biden either way,” even if Trump ended up winning the White House.

Palma expressed his support for Bobby in a video, questioning why they wouldn’t cast their vote for him instead of Biden. He emphasized the importance of securing the 28 electoral votes in New York for Bobby, as it would not only reduce Biden’s chances but also potentially alter the outcome of the election. Palma highlighted that reaching the threshold of 270 electoral votes is crucial for winning the election, and if no candidate achieves this, Congress will step in to select the president.

In the video, Palma confidently states, “If it’s a Republican Congress, they’ll pick Trump. So, we’ll be rid of Biden either way.”

According to ABC News, Kennedy’s campaign manager recently revealed that he had a conversation with Palma on Monday. They concluded that she was participating in a “health freedom event” in her capacity as a private citizen.

According to Fox, the campaign strongly denies that she speaks on their behalf. He clarifies that she has never attended any of their strategy meetings or leadership meetings regarding electoral strategy in New York or nationally.

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