Lawyers to focus on O.J. Simpson’s estate as debt from wrongful death case surpasses $100 million

Despite O.J. Simpson’s acquittal for double murder, a civil jury found that he indeed killed Nicole Brown and Ron Goldman. They rendered a $33.5 million verdict against him. reports that years of compound interest have increased the debt to $100 million. The lawyers intend to collect by attacking Simpson’s estate.

“We have to start over here,” lawyer David Cook told “We are going to work on it. There may be something out there. We’ve had this problem for a very long time. It could be a trust or probate.” It could all be gone.”

Simpson had paid only $133,000.

Simpson’s NFL pension was immune from collection. The relatives of those he killed may be eligible to seek some restitution if he has any cash or property in his estate.


And, yeah, Simpson murdered them. That remained unchanged after his death. He could live a full life and die from natural causes. Nicole Brown and Ron Goldman didn’t. Because of him.

He killed them. A civil court made the decision. A criminal court should have, but a botched prosecution, a high burden of proof, and a dream team of lawyers capable of conjuring reasonable doubt spared Simpson from dying in prison.

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