Senate Republicans outraged over Trump’s attempts to sabotage FISA bill

Senate Republicans expressed their frustration when former President Trump played a role in derailing a compromise House bill that aimed to extend the authority of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA). This unexpected turn of events has left lawmakers scrambling to come up with an alternative plan to ensure that the nation’s intelligence agencies can continue their surveillance activities on adversaries and terrorists.

Republican senators are expressing concerns that the country’s spy program is on the verge of going “dark”. They argue that this could potentially result in the loss of crucial intelligence, thereby putting the nation at risk of unexpected attacks. Additionally, they emphasize that such a scenario would compromise the intelligence inputs provided to President Biden’s daily briefings.

“I am deeply disappointed with President Trump’s evaluation of FISA. It is a critical tool that may require some amendments, but it is undeniably vital, as confirmed by the intelligence community,” expressed Senator Susan Collins (R-Maine), a respected member of the Senate Intelligence Committee.

Sen. John Cornyn, a member of the Intelligence Committee, highlighted the fact that a significant portion of the national security intelligence that is shared with President Biden on a daily basis is obtained through the collection of information under FISA’s Section 702.

When asked about the potential impact on national security if Congress were to eliminate FISA’s warrantless surveillance authority under Section 702, Cornyn emphasized the potential consequences: “We would lose visibility on numerous threats. It is my hope that there can be further discussions on what the necessary reforms should entail.”


In a significant move, President Trump successfully obstructed the progress of a House bill aimed at extending the enhanced surveillance powers. He took to Twitter on Friday, urging Congress to take action and “kill FISA.”

“Kill FISA! It was used against me and many others illegally. They spied on my campaign!” Trump angrily exclaimed on his social media platform, Truth Social.

Nineteen House Republicans responded to the demand and successfully prevented the bill from progressing on the House floor on Wednesday. Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) and his supporters worked diligently to devise an alternative plan, known as Plan B, in order to extend the program before the approaching deadline of April 19. On Thursday, the House Rules Committee convened to prepare a similar version of the measure for a vote on the floor, scheduled for Friday.

Several GOP members who were initially opposed to the measure expressed their willingness to support it after negotiations. However, not all of them were ready to give their approval. Johnson cannot afford to lose more than two votes.

Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) criticized Trump for endangering the national security program’s future due to his personal dispute with the FBI and other intelligence agencies regarding the wiretapping of former Trump campaign aide Carter Page during the 2016 election.

According to the speaker, President Trump tends to view world events through the lens of his own perspective. However, it is important to recognize that the purpose of FISA is to prevent another catastrophic event like 9/11. This legislation has been utilized by law enforcement to safeguard the American people. Should FISA be eliminated, the speaker warns that the nation could potentially face the loss of American lives.

Romney expressed concern over Trump’s proposal to abolish FISA, stating that it is a highly perilous stance to take.

He emphasized the importance of enacting necessary reforms to prevent abuse while preserving something that is crucial for the welfare and existence of our citizens.

According to The Hill, former Attorney General William Barr stated that Trump’s opposition to FISA appears to stem more from personal animosity rather than a genuine policy disagreement or concern for Fourth Amendment protections.

According to his statement, it appears that President Trump’s opposition is driven by personal animosity rather than logical reasoning. He mentions that the provision that the President disagrees with is unrelated to the legislation under discussion, which pertains to the reauthorization of Section 702 of FISA. The House faced a setback on Wednesday when 19 Republicans voted against advancing the rule for this legislation.

Barr cautioned that if the program were to expire, it would leave the nation vulnerable to potential attacks.

Sen. Thom Tillis (R-N.C.) criticized the former president for advocating the termination of FISA and Section 702, considering it an excessive step.

“I differ in opinion,” he expressed. “Having collaborated with the FBI and been privy to the detailed briefing on reforms, I am confident that they have effectively tackled the concerns. Given the current precarious state of the world, it would be unwise for us to remain in the dark.”

According to Tillis, it is crucial for Republican lawmakers to collaborate with the Biden administration in order to ensure the safety of the nation. If Trump desires further modifications to the program, he should engage with Congress to implement new reforms in the event that he is elected president in November.

“I completely agree,” stated Senator Rand Paul (R-Ky.), a conservative with libertarian leanings, in support of Trump’s proposal to “eliminate FISA.”

“I have always believed that the Constitution cannot be bypassed in order to obtain information on Americans,” he expressed. “Within the country, the Constitution is applicable, and it is highly likely that this extensive 702 database contains a significant amount of information on Americans, possibly reaching tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of data points.”

In his statement, he expressed his strong disapproval of the application of the 702 program to American citizens.

Once again, Trump has managed to undermine Republican leaders on Capitol Hill, causing a significant setback for important legislation. This pattern of behavior has become all too familiar, as the President continues to disrupt the progress of key initiatives at the eleventh hour.

In February, Trump put an end to the bipartisan Senate border security deal. He instructed GOP lawmakers to oppose it, as he did not want to give Biden a legislative victory on border security.

Former President Trump attempted to block a $95 billion emergency foreign aid package, which included $60 billion for Ukraine. The Senate successfully passed the package in February, receiving support from 70 votes.

Trump personally called GOP senators, urging them to vote against the legislation, which resulted in the loss of majority support within the Senate Republican Conference.

Republican senators are perplexed by the possibility of U.S. intelligence agencies losing their crucial intelligence-gathering authority in the coming days. This predicament has arisen due to President Trump’s intervention, which effectively halted the progress of a House bill aimed at extending this authority.

Senate Republican Whip John Thune (S.D.) emphasized the importance of not allowing it to go dark, highlighting the need to address and rectify existing issues and reforms. He stressed that maintaining this tool is crucial for ensuring the safety and security of America.

Sen. James Lankford, a member of the Intelligence Committee, highlighted a recent incident where law enforcement successfully apprehended an individual who was planning to commit acts of violence targeting churches in Idaho.

“He said that if that person had entered and killed a group of individuals, and it was later revealed that they had prior knowledge but were unable to take any action, the entire nation would be outraged.”

Lankford admitted that he is unsure if the specific threat mentioned was prevented due to the increased FISA surveillance authority. However, he emphasized that threats against our country are not sporadic but rather a constant occurrence.

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