Poll: Republicans Trust Trump On Ukraine More Than Twice As Much As Journalists Who Are There

According to a recent survey, Republicans have expressed their trust in former President Trump as their primary source of information regarding the Ukraine-Russia conflict, surpassing any other news or government sources. This finding highlights the high level of reliance and confidence placed in Trump by members of the Republican party.

According to a recent CBS News/YouGov poll conducted from April 9-12, a striking 79 percent of Republicans expressed their trust in President Trump as a source of information regarding the Ukraine-Russia conflict. Surprisingly, this figure is more than double the 33 percent of Republicans who place their trust in journalists reporting from the war zone.

According to the survey, a majority of Republicans (60 percent) placed their trust in the Pentagon, making it the most trusted institution after President Trump. Conservative media came in second, with 56 percent of Republicans expressing their trust in this source. On the other hand, the State Department received the lowest level of trust from Republican respondents, with only 27 percent indicating their confidence in the agency’s handling of the Ukraine-Russia conflict.

Amid worries about the proliferation of Russian propaganda in mainstream political discussions, two prominent Republican House members have voiced their apprehension regarding the influence of pro-Russia talking points.

“Regrettably, Russian propaganda has infiltrated the United States and has influenced a significant portion of my party’s base,” remarked House Foreign Affairs Committee Chair, Michael McCaul (R-Texas).


According to House Intelligence Committee Chair Mike Turner (R-Ohio), he fully agrees with McCaul’s statement, stating that it is “absolutely true.”

According to Turner, there are direct attempts from Russia to conceal communications that promote pro-Russian messages and are against Ukraine. He even mentions that some of these messages are being spoken on the House floor.

During his appearance on CBS News’s “Face the Nation,” McCaul admitted that Trump has previously shared pro-Russia misinformation online. He explained that this was the reason why Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) went to Mar-a-Lago to discuss the Ukraine package with the former President.

During a recent interview, Representative McCaul emphasized the significant influence that Trump holds over his conference. He emphasized the importance of engaging in discussions with the President, particularly in relation to his efforts in pushing for the House to pass Ukraine aid.

According to a recent poll, there is a clear split among political parties when it comes to the question of whether the United States should provide weapons or military aid to Ukraine. The poll, published on Sunday, reveals that 74 percent of Democrats believe the U.S. should provide such aid, while only 30 percent of Republicans agree. Independents, on the other hand, are divided right down the middle, with 50 percent in favor of sending aid and 50 percent opposed to it.

The survey involved 2,399 American adults and had a margin of error of +/- 2.6 percentage points. For questions pertaining to Republicans specifically, the margin of error was +/- 5.1 percentage points.

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