Marjorie Taylor Greene is an idiot. She is attempting to wreck the GOP

It’s time for someone in the Republican Party to tell Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene to focus all of her loud, self-serving theatrics and drama queen energies on Democrats and quit trying to defeat her own party.

The Georgia Republican, who notably exhibited sexually graphic images of Hunter Biden during a committee hearing and referred to fellow Rep. Lauren Boebert as a bitch on the House floor, is notorious for his outrageous actions and equally bizarre conspiracy theories.

Currently, she is threatening to remove Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson. The Louisiana lawmaker, who has a five-vote majority in the House, is striving to keep his caucus together as he navigates difficult topics such as supporting Ukraine, which has become unpopular among some conservatives, and reauthorizing the contentious Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. He also struggled to pass a financing bill, relying on Democrats to pull another large spending deal over the finish line.

To be fair, not all Republicans support spending billions more to arm Ukraine, especially given that our own border remains open; many Republicans wanted Johnson to demand border enforcement in exchange for assistance for Kyiv. Hunter Biden’s high salary in Ukraine, one of the world’s most corrupt countries, raises questions about the allocation of America’s billions to fight Vladimir Putin. As I stated early in the war, oversight is probably inadequate.

Nonetheless, confronting Russia’s ruthless ruler is the correct thing to do. Putin’s goals will not stop with Ukraine. The next target might be a NATO member, necessitating that the United States deploy troops on the ground.


Though the war has devastated the brave people of Ukraine, it has shown Russia’s vulnerability. If President Biden had allowed an all-out aggressive battle against Moscow, we would not be in this apparent stalemate. Because of his hesitation, Ukraine is currently losing territory and desperately needs guns and ammunition. We can fix this; we just need to supply the cash and urge the White House to detail the route to victory.

Republicans, understandably, are wary about permitting warrantless surveillance under FISA. People have abused the law in the past, and they are particularly resentful today for allowing Hillary Clinton’s operatives to spy on the Trump campaign. Nonetheless, it was not long ago that the United States was attacked by Islamic terrorists. Given the millions of people who have entered the country illegally since Biden became president, hundreds of whom are on the terror watch list, it is critical that we increase our vigilance against terrorism rather than weaken it.

Mike Johnson had previously opposed the FISA renewal; when asked why, he stated that he had changed his opinion after receiving a confidential briefing on the subject. I believe him.

Greene, who was elected by a total of 170,162 voters in 2022 in a district rated R+22 by the Cook Report, dislikes it all and would rather burn down the house, metaphorically speaking, than work for the greater good. Unless she and her colleagues in Congress have forgotten, the larger good will defeat Joe Biden in November.

Our country is facing immense challenges, many of which are the result of the Biden administration’s misguided and destructive policies.

If Biden wins four more years in the White House, we will be compelled to go even further down the road of inconsistent and unreliable green energy, while our abundant and inexpensive domestic oil and gas resources are wasted.

If Democrats win control of Congress, as Ms. Greene may well do, they will most likely impose tax increases that will weaken investment and productivity, lowering wage growth and opening the way to even more wasteful expenditure. We will witness a bigger breakdown in law enforcement, with millions more individuals entering the nation illegally. Our educational system will continue to disintegrate, producing a new generation of inner-city boys and girls who will be unable to advance up our opportunity ladder.

Democrats will endeavor to boost unions while destroying the rights of those who choose not to join, and they may try to pack the Supreme Court in order to jam through policies such as universal student loan forgiveness and “clean” energy mandates that the court has wisely rejected.

Other Republican dissidents forced Kevin McCarthy to resign as Speaker of the House in October. It was not a wise or constructive decision; several House Republicans have subsequently quit, disgusted by the vitriol and self-promotion of those who threw the chamber into turmoil. As a result, what was once a slender majority is now on life support, making governance much more difficult.

The removal of the popular McCarthy also shattered the public’s perception of the GOP. Registered voters evenly divided their approval and disapproval of the Republican Party in May 2023. Today, the disparity is 25 points, with 61% disapproving and 36% approving. That will not help you win elections.

The party’s internal squabbles must stop. If Marjorie Taylor Greene and others choose to vote against helping Ukraine or the FISA measure, they can. This is how democracy works.

The United States’ destiny is on the line. Former President Donald Trump, who is eager to remove Biden from office, understands how deadly the instability in the House may be. He just visited with Mike Johnson in Florida and gave him a strong and well-deserved vote of support. “I stand with the speaker,” Trump proclaimed; he also added that Johnson is “doing a very good job—he’s doing about as good as you’re going to do.”

My message for MTG? Borrowing from Hillary Clinton: Get over yourself. The aim now is to elect Donald Trump.

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