Columbia Suspends Ilhan Omar’s Daughter Following Pro-palestine Protest

Isra Hirsi, the daughter of Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.), revealed on Thursday that she had been suspended from college. This disciplinary action was a consequence of her participation in an unauthorized protest in support of Palestine on campus.

“I have been actively involved as an organizer with CU Apartheid Divest @ColumbiaSJP. Throughout my three years at Barnard College, I have never faced any reprimands or disciplinary warnings,” stated Hirsi confidently on the social platform X.

“I just received notice that I am one of three students who have been suspended for standing in solidarity with Palestinians who are facing a genocide,” she added.

According to Columbia University, Hirsi is currently enrolled as a student at Barnard College. Although Barnard is affiliated with Columbia, it operates with a certain level of independence.

Barnard declined to provide specific details regarding the incident. However, the college did refer to a statement released by its senior staff on Thursday. According to the statement, it was reported that both Columbia University and Barnard College students had established an unauthorized encampment on Columbia’s South Lawn.


According to the statement, several members of Barnard Senior Staff also approached the lawn to request that Barnard students involved in the encampment vacate the area. They further informed the students that failing to comply with this request would result in sanctions imposed by Barnard.

According to the school, the students were also given written warnings stating that they would face interim suspension if they did not vacate the premises by Wednesday night.

“We, the members of Gaza Solidarity Encampment, refuse to be intimidated. We will remain steadfast until our demands are fulfilled. Our demands encompass divestment from companies involved in genocide, disclosure of Columbia’s investments, and complete amnesty for all students who are facing repression,” stated Hirsi in the post.

The decision to suspend Columbia officials comes just one day after they faced intense scrutiny during a House hearing. Members of the Education and the Workforce Committee questioned them about their handling of the recent increase in antisemitism, which has been observed both in the United States and around the world following the attack on Israel by Hamas on October 7th.

In the past few months, several colleges in the United States have been dealing with demonstrations and protests.

During the hearing, Omar posed several questions to Columbia President Minouche Shafik regarding the treatment of Palestinian protesters.

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