A remarkable and unexpected number of Trump administration alums express opposition to his reelection

Sarah Matthews, an employee at the White House on January 6, 2021, witnessed the moment when a mob of former President Donald Trump’s supporters forcefully entered the U.S. Capitol in an effort to prevent the certification of President Joe Biden’s victory. Throughout the ordeal, Matthews observed the persistent but unsuccessful attempts of Trump’s staff to persuade him to denounce the violence.

Matthews expressed his disappointment, stating that he believed it was a clear failure on the part of the official to fulfill his responsibilities. According to him, this incident shattered his trust and confidence in the person’s ability to carry out their duties effectively.

After the events of January 6th, Matthews made the decision to step down from her position as deputy press secretary. She firmly believes that Trump poses a serious threat to democracy, having attempted to steal the 2020 election, and fears he would do so again.

Matthews is among the many former Trump administration officials who have expressed strong disapproval of the former president’s bid to reclaim the Oval Office. This sentiment is shared by numerous individuals who, having held prominent positions in the White House, including former Vice President Mike Pence and multiple cabinet members, are now questioning his suitability for the presidency.

Critics within the Trump administration frequently raise a few significant concerns regarding his impact on democracy, his approach to national security matters, and his character.


According to USA TODAY, the unprecedented number of Trump officials, at least 16 in total, who have spoken out against their former boss is highly unusual. In fact, three presidential historians and a political scientist interviewed by the publication have stated that this level of criticism has no historical precedent in the last century.

According to Lindsay Chervinsky, a senior fellow at the Center for Presidential History at Southern Methodist University, the current situation is unprecedented and unlike anything we have witnessed in the past century.

Mike Pence, Mark Esper, John Bolton national security officials

Several former officials from the Trump administration are actively opposing his reelection, while others have been more cautious in their criticisms but still providing harsh assessments of his performance and character.

Pence was a fervent supporter—some critics even labeled him as a “lapdog”—of Trump’s until the former president exerted pressure on him to overturn Biden’s victory. This culminated in Trump supporters chanting “hang Mike Pence” as they stormed the Capitol on Jan. 6. Pence competed against Trump in the 2024 Republican primary and has since stated that he will not endorse him in the general election due to “profound differences,” particularly concerning Pence’s “constitutional duties.”

Nikki Haley, a former United Nations ambassador under Trump, also entered the primary race and has yet to endorse him since withdrawing from the campaign.

“Being commander in chief is a responsibility that should not be entrusted to someone who consistently shows disrespect towards military families,” remarked Haley, in response to Trump’s mocking comments about her husband who is currently serving on a military deployment overseas.”

Matthews, Mark Esper, former Secretary of Defense, and John Bolton, former National Security Advisor, have all made it clear that they will not be casting their vote for Trump. It’s not just them, though. Attorney General Bill Barr, chief of staff John Kelly, and Defense Secretary Jim Mattis, all important figures within the Trump administration, have also expressed strong criticism towards the former president.

Presidential historian Douglas Brinkley expresses astonishment at the significant number of former administration members who are warning against allowing that individual back into the White House. Their collective message emphasizes the potential danger such a scenario poses to our democracy.

According to Bolton, a long-standing figure in Republican administrations, the extensive roster of Trump detractors within the White House suggests that concerns about him extend far beyond mere policy disagreements.

According to Bolton, the remarkable aspect of several senior Trump administration officials campaigning against him is that it demonstrates their concern over Trump’s flawed character, lack of knowledge, lack of philosophy, and overall lack of fitness.

According to Bolton, it is common for members of an administration to have disagreements with their boss. However, they usually remain loyal because they believe that their boss has good intentions and is capable of doing the job. In Bolton’s case, his experience with Trump led him to believe that the former president was not competent and was more focused on his own political interests rather than national security. As a result, Bolton has stated that he will vote for former Vice-President Dick Cheney in 2024, just as he did in 2020.

Linda McMahon, Wilbur Ross and others remain supportive

There are numerous former administration officials who remain loyal to Trump. Several of them are actively involved in his 2024 campaign, including Richard Grenell, former Trump Ambassador to Germany, Wilbur Ross, Commerce Secretary, and Linda McMahon, former Trump Small Business Administration chief. Trump’s campaign disregards the dissenters as individuals seeking attention.

“There were numerous Cabinet Members, a multitude of White House employees, and a vast number of political appointees who served with pride in the Trump Administration and remain steadfast in their support of President Trump,” stated Karoline Leavitt, a spokesperson for Trump, in a statement to USA TODAY. “The media often fixates on the small number of individuals who betray him in order to boost their own egos or secure more airtime on cable television.”

‘Threat to democracy’

At just 25 years old, Matthews became a member of the Trump White House, positioning herself for a promising future in Republican politics.

On January 6th, the highly anticipated day finally arrived.

“I personally saw the staff approaching President Trump, urging him to denounce the violence,” Matthews recounted. “But for hours, Trump stubbornly refused to take any action. He seemed unwilling to put an end to it.”

In his memoir “A Sacred Oath,” former defense secretary Esper expresses concerns about the impact of Trump’s actions on America’s democratic system. Esper describes Trump’s decision to skip Biden’s swearing-in as “a final act of petulance” that has “tarnished our democracy.”

According to USA TODAY, Esper expressed his concern about the threat that he believes the individual poses to democracy as we currently understand it.

According to Esper, adhering to norms such as gracefully accepting electoral defeat and participating in a successor’s inauguration is crucial in maintaining the unity of a country.

In his writing, Esper expresses concern about the actions of former Trump National Security Advisor Michael Flynn after the election. Esper highlights that Flynn, who had a meeting with Trump in the Oval Office on December 18, 2020, appeared on television that same week and proposed the idea of Trump declaring martial law, seizing voting machines, and utilizing military capabilities to essentially redo the election in specific states.

Shortly after the election, Trump dismissed Esper amidst speculation that he would employ the military to retain his position.

Character concerns

In his book, Esper strongly criticizes Trump’s character, the way he attempted to politicize the military, and his decision-making on national security matters.

In his assessment, he describes Trump as lacking principles, exhibiting petty behavior, posing a danger, and frequently resorting to outright fabrications.

Former administration officials who have criticized Trump repeatedly denounce his character and approach to governing.

According to Cassidy Hutchinson, who worked as an assistant to former Trump Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, Donald Trump poses the most significant danger to our democracy in our lifetime, and possibly in American history.

Stephanie Grisham, a former White House Communications Director under the Trump administration, openly expressed her opinion about the former president in an interview with ABC in 2021. Grisham stated that she believes Trump is not suitable for the job, citing his erratic behavior and tendency to be delusional. She further described him as a narcissist who prioritizes his own interests above all else. Grisham firmly stated that she does not want him to be elected as president again.

Former Trump White House Communications Director Alyssa Farah Griffin expressed her strong opposition to Trump, stating that she views him as a threat to democracy and that she will never lend him her support (Washington Post).

According to the Washington Post, Ty Cobb, a former Special Counsel to the White House under President Trump, expressed his concerns about Trump’s disregard for the rule of law and his alleged crimes. Cobb believes that Trump’s actions and presence have expedited the decline of democracy and the nation itself.

Trump’s loyalists

According to Richard Grenell, who previously served as Trump’s acting director of national intelligence and maintains a close relationship with him, criticisms regarding Trump’s character lack any validity.

“I have had the opportunity to know President Trump personally,” Grenell stated. “He is not only exceptionally kind but also a skilled negotiator. Unlike many in Washington D.C., he prioritizes finding solutions and improving the situation rather than clinging to partisan ideologies and engaging in endless fights.”

According to Grenell, Washington D.C. faces a problem that affects individuals from all walks of life – those who live, work, worship, play, and raise their families in the city. He believes that the individuals who benefit from Washington D.C. are unlikely to take any steps towards reforming it.

Ross and McMahon played significant roles as co-chairs for a recent fundraiser held in Palm Beach in support of Donald Trump.

‘Unprecedented’ concern from those who worked most closely with the president

According to William Howell, a University of Chicago political scientist who has authored numerous books on the presidency, tell-all memoirs from former White House staffers have become increasingly prevalent in recent years. However, the level of criticism typically seen in these accounts is much less severe compared to what has come out of the Trump White House.

According to Howell, there is a collective agreement among various voices that Trump is unfit for the presidency and poses a significant danger to democracy. She believes that such a unanimous stance is unprecedented in recent American history.

According to presidential historian Gil Troy, using the word “unprecedented” is not something historians typically do. However, in this case, he believes it is appropriate due to the intensity and collective nature of the criticism. Troy, who co-wrote a book on the history of presidential elections, emphasizes the significance of these two factors coming together.

Will it matter in the election?

According to Chervinksky, while public opinion may not fluctuate as much and there may be less opportunity to change people’s minds, it doesn’t mean that there is no room at all for persuasion.

According to political analyst Jennifer Palmieri, the level of criticism coming from former Trump administration officials is truly remarkable. She believes that this significant number of officials speaking out against the former president, along with the severity and breadth of their criticisms, could potentially influence undecided swing voters.

According to Howell, attacks that come from within your own group tend to have a greater political impact.

According to Howell, critiques that focus on character or policy have the potential to transcend partisan divisions and erode the support of even the most dedicated followers.

An unprecedented and stunning number of former Trump administration officials are opposing his reelection.

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