Biden Administration Official Surprised and Offended by Interview Question

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre remained resolute and unfazed when confronted with a question about President Joe Biden’s mental acuity by a radio show host in North Carolina.

In a recent interview that aired on WBT Charlotte’s News Talk, Jean-Pierre engaged in a conversation with the station’s news director, Mark Garrison. The discussion commenced with inquiries regarding the mental capacity of Democratic President Joe Biden. At 81 years old, Biden is the oldest sitting president in U.S. history, leading to concerns among Republicans and some members of his own party about his ability to serve another four years. It is worth noting that former President Donald Trump, the presumed Republican presidential nominee, will turn 78 in June.

Garrison informed Jean-Pierre that he had been approached by “several individuals” who urged him to inquire about the president’s potential dementia. In response, the Biden official expressed disbelief, stating, “Mark, I find it hard to believe that you are posing such an offensive question.”

Jean-Pierre emphasized the importance of understanding the president’s health. Over the past few years, the president’s physician has provided detailed information about his well-being. By closely observing the president’s daily activities and accomplishments, one can truly appreciate his unwavering dedication to the American people and the historic impact of his actions.

“I won’t give much weight to your question,” she responded, dismissing it. “I find it highly offensive. Let’s move on to the next inquiry.”


During the discussion, Garrison redirected the topic towards the issue of the cost of living. He inquired about Biden’s strategy to secure votes from individuals who are facing financial constraints and have limited disposable income.

During the interview, Jean-Pierre expressed to the host his belief that Biden has a deep understanding of the challenges he faced upon assuming office. He acknowledged that the president was confronted with multiple crises, including the COVID-19 pandemic and the repercussions of Trump’s policies. Before the host could pose another question, Jean-Pierre concluded the conversation by thanking Mark and wishing him a fantastic day, promptly ending the call.

According to a statement from White House spokesperson Andrew Bates, Jean-Pierre conducted a series of consecutive interviews with radio stations, where each station was given a seven-minute time slot. Bates clarified that after the agreed-upon time was up, Jean-Pierre promptly moved on to the next interview, ensuring that everyone had the opportunity to utilize their allocated time fully.

According to the individual, this specific station made the decision to not broadcast the complete interview. Instead, they inserted a fabricated sound effect that our phones do not produce when calls conclude.

According to a recent survey conducted by MaristPoll, a significant majority of North Carolina adults, comprising almost 60 percent, expressed genuine concerns about the mental fitness of the president in the upcoming November elections. Surprisingly, even a quarter of Democratic voters shared these concerns. However, opinions were more divided when it came to evaluating Trump’s mental capacity, with 48 percent of the 1,197 respondents indicating that it was indeed a valid concern.

Leading psychiatrist and retired Harvard Medical School professor, Lance Dodes, recently expressed concerns about Trump’s fitness to serve in the White House again. According to Dodes, the former president consistently exhibits signs of dementia, such as confusion about reality, due to his age.

According to New York psychologist Suzanne Lachmann, she noticed indications of dementia in Trump as well. One notable example was when he would appear to forget how a sentence began and instead make up something in the middle, leading to what she described as an incomprehensible word salad.

During his State of the Union address earlier this month, Biden responded to inquiries about his age by stating, “The issue facing our nation isn’t how old we are, it’s how old our ideas are.”

“Hate, anger, revenge, retribution have been ingrained in human society for centuries,” he emphasized. “We cannot effectively lead America by relying on outdated concepts that only hinder our progress.”

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