Biden Criticizes Trump’s Inherited Wealth In An Attempt To Win Over Union Workers

President Biden sought to win over union workers on Friday by criticizing former President Trump for his inherited wealth.

During a conference for the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW), a prominent labor group that has endorsed his reelection campaign, the president drew a contrast between his upbringing and that of Trump.

The president acknowledged that some individuals have had a different upbringing and have learned different lessons than him and his audience. He specifically mentioned his opponent, highlighting their belief that the most effective way to accumulate wealth is through inheritance. While he didn’t necessarily agree with this perspective, he didn’t dwell on it and simply commented, “I can’t argue much with them but, eh—”

Trump’s business endeavors began with a $1 million loan from his father, Fred Trump. Throughout his career, it has been reported that he received a substantial amount of financial support from his father, totaling at least $413 million.

“They discover that the burden of paying taxes falls on the shoulders of hardworking individuals, not the ultra-rich. They witness that casually firing people is treated as a joke. That’s not the way things are done in my upbringing, that’s not the values I was instilled with,” voiced Biden passionately from the podium.


On his popular reality show “The Apprentice,” Trump would dismiss contestants with his distinctive style in a boardroom.

“I suppose that’s their perspective from Park Avenue and Mar-a-Lago, but I come from humble beginnings in Scranton, Pennsylvania, and Claymont, Delaware. Just like many of you, I grew up in working-class and middle-class communities,” Biden expressed, addressing the union workers.

The president emphasized that individuals like you were not given anything for free. You diligently paid your taxes, and the experience of being informed about your termination was not a source of amusement but rather a devastating nightmare for you and your family.

During his recent campaign, he didn’t miss the chance to contrast Trump’s luxurious Mar-a-Lago residence in Palm Beach, Florida with the humble town of Scranton. Trump had visited Mar-a-Lago earlier this week and used the opportunity to claim that Republicans are in favor of raising taxes for the working class.

“It’s important, folks. Where we come from, it really matters. That’s why when I assess the economy, I don’t view it from the lens of Mar-a-Lago. Instead, I genuinely perceive it from the perspective of Scranton, my hometown, and my cherished memories around my grandpop’s kitchen table,” expressed the president. “I see it through the eyes of individuals like you, hardworking people who embody essential values such as honesty, decency, hard work, and faith. It truly matters.”

Biden has been actively focused on reestablishing the coalition that propelled him to victory in the 2020 presidential election, paying particular attention to union workers. During the 2016 election, union households began to lean towards the Republican Party, resulting in Trump’s triumph in states like Michigan. However, in the 2020 election, Biden successfully reclaimed these states, including Michigan.

Last year, the president made history by joining a picket line to stand in solidarity with autoworkers, reinforcing his claim of being the most pro-union president in history.

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