Biden Gains Support From 15 Organizations Representing Young Voters

Fifteen groups of young voters made their endorsements for President Biden’s reelection campaign known on Monday. This is part of a larger initiative called Students for Biden-Harris (SFB), which aims to mobilize young voters on a national scale.

Fifteen endorsements have been given to Biden and Vice President Harris, with a specific focus on young voters and the issues that are important to them.

The list of organizations includes Blue Future, College Democrats of America, Democratic Youth Coalition, Dream For America, Grassroots Dem HQ, High School Democrats of America, Jr. Newtown Action Alliance, NextGen PAC, Path to Progress, Planned Parenthood Action Fund, Students Demand Action, Team ENOUGH, Voices of Gen-Z, Voters of Tomorrow, and the Young Democrats of America.

A press release announcing the joint endorsement emphasized that it is unprecedented for so many young voter groups to unite and support a presidential ticket this early before the election.

According to a press release, the Biden-Harris campaign saw a significant turnout from young voters in 2020. Not only did they show up at the polls to support the campaign, but they also continued their engagement in subsequent years, voting for important ballot initiatives and candidates aligned with their values. The press release emphasized that these youth groups are determined to mobilize the same voting bloc in 2024, with the aim of reelecting President Biden and Vice President Harris for another term in the White House.


According to the Biden campaign, the announcement on Monday will mark the beginning of a recruitment blitz. The campaign plans to establish SFB chapters and recruit organizers on campuses.

According to the joint endorsement statement, the 15 groups, in collaboration with SFB, are planning to recruit hundreds of young organizers, activate over 1,000 campus, local, and state chapters, and engage more than 500,000 volunteers.

SFB is planning to organize regular trainings on both relational and digital organizing tools. They will also be hosting national virtual and in-person events on a regular basis. The first event is scheduled for this Thursday and will feature Rep. Maxwell Frost (D-Fla.), a member of the National Advisory Board and the first representative from Gen Z in Congress.

“Young voters played a crucial role in securing the victory for President Biden and Vice President Harris in the 2020 election, and their influence will remain just as significant in 2024,” stated Frost in the press release.

The announcement arrives amid growing concerns from Democrats regarding the diminishing optimism among young voters about Biden’s reelection campaign. Particularly, young organizers have criticized Biden for his endorsement of Israel during the conflict in Gaza.

The Biden campaign aims to inject fresh enthusiasm into the campaign and address voters’ concerns about his age through these new initiatives.

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