Biden Has Released A New Advertisement Highlighting His Immigration Record As The Border Crisis Worsens. ‘trump Was Right’

President Biden was blasted by a new ad campaign showing the disparities between him and former President Trump on immigration, which was published while Trump was campaigning on the issue in the Midwest.

The conservative charity Building America’s Future launched a six-figure digital ad buy on Tuesday in the Midwest battleground states of Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, blasting Biden’s immigration proposals as Trump prepared to deliver two immigration addresses.

“Donald Trump was right,” the one-minute ad begins, followed by a soundbite from Trump’s 2015 speech: “They’re not sending their finest.” They are bringing drugs.” The commercial then plays audio from a news item about hazardous narcotics being carried across the border before quoting Trump as saying that illegal immigration brings “crime and rapists,” with news reports to back up that allegation.

The advertisement then changes to an assault on the incumbent president, stating, “Joe Biden is wrong.”

“You use the word illegal when talking about the man who allegedly killed Laken Riley,” a reporter asks Biden in a video clip.


“Undocumented,” Biden replies. “Uh, an undocumented person. I should not have used something illegal. I will not treat any of these folks disrespectfully. “Look, they built this country.”

“Who do you trust more to protect your family?” The advertisement then asks: “Donald Trump or Joe Biden?”

The ad from Building America’s Future, which previously criticized Biden in a State of the Union ad about Laken Riley’s death that CNN declined to show, comes as Trump addressed immigration in addresses in Michigan and Wisconsin on Tuesday.

In Michigan, Trump took multiple salvos at his successor in the White House, claiming that “under Crooked Joe Biden, every state is now a border state.”

The former president’s visit to Michigan followed the March 22 murder of Ruby Garcia, a 25-year-old woman allegedly killed by an illegal immigrant who was deported to Mexico in 2020 but returned to the United States. Local conservative talk radio and social media have dominated the discovery of Garcia’s death alongside a road in Grand Rapids.

Trump made reference to Garcia’s tragedy, stating, “An illegal alien criminal savagely murdered a beautiful young woman.” Under the Trump administration, this monster was deported and kicked out of the nation.”

“It’s going to end on the day that I take office, which will be Jan. 20,” added Trump, who has promised to begin the greatest deportation operation in American history if he wins in November.

The Republican National Committee launched a new website,, before Trump arrived in Michigan, claiming it is committed to “highlighting the horrors of Biden Migrant Crime.”

In Wisconsin, Trump referenced Garcia once more, as well as victims of other alleged atrocities committed by illegal aliens, such as the rape of a mentally ill 14-year-old girl from Alabama.

“I’m here tonight to declare that Joe Biden’s border bloodbath… this is a border bloodbath; it ends the day I take the oath of office,” President Donald Trump told the crowd in Green Bay.

“With your vote, I will secure the border.” I will end the invasion.” I will put an end to the carnage, bloodshed, and killing, and we will crush the human traffickers..

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Jimmy Clyde
Jimmy Clyde
Articles: 290

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