Biden Vows Support for Baltimore Following Bridge Collapse: ‘We’re With You’

President Joe Biden expressed his commitment to the residents affected by the Baltimore bridge collapse during his remarks on Tuesday. He assured them that his administration would stand by their side for as long as necessary.

“It is my intention for the federal government to cover the entire cost of reconstructing that bridge. I anticipate the Congress to lend their support to my endeavor,” Biden declared confidently from the White House.

“We won’t leave until this job gets done,” affirmed the president, acknowledging that it would take some time.

Personnel on the ship notified the Maryland Department of Transportation about the loss of control of the vessel. Thanks to their quick response, local authorities were able to close the bridge before it was hit. President Biden acknowledged the efforts made by these personnel and stated that their prompt action undoubtedly saved lives.

Early Tuesday morning, a cargo ship collided with Baltimore’s Francis Scott Key Bridge, resulting in a near-total collapse of the span and effectively blocking vessel traffic in and out of the Port of Baltimore.


A search-and-rescue operation is currently in progress, as divers and emergency personnel tirelessly search the Patapsco River for individuals who are suspected to have fallen into the freezing water after the bridge collapsed, according to officials. Officials have reported that at least six people remain unaccounted for.

According to Biden, the crash was deemed a “terrible accident.”

According to him, prioritizing the search and rescue operation is of utmost importance.

President Biden, acknowledging his familiarity with the bridge, expressed his intention to visit Baltimore at the earliest opportunity.

The president announced that the port of Baltimore and ship traffic have been temporarily suspended. He emphasized the need to clear the channel before resuming ship traffic.

“Our hearts go out to everyone affected by this tragic accident, including all the families who are anxiously awaiting updates on their loved ones,” expressed Biden. “In such circumstances, every passing moment can feel like an eternity, and the uncertainty is truly devastating.”

“We express our deep gratitude to the courageous rescuers who promptly arrived at the scene and extend our support to the people of Baltimore. I want to emphasize that we stand beside you during this challenging time. We are committed to staying by your side for as long as necessary. As Governor [Governor’s Name] rightly stated, you exemplify the resilience of Maryland and the strength of Baltimore, and together, we will overcome this adversity.”

On Tuesday morning, Biden took the initiative to convene a briefing for his senior team members to discuss the ongoing response. The White House reported that he directed them to ensure that all federal resources are readily available.

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