Bill Barr Said: Real threat to America is from ‘far left,’ not Trump

Former Attorney General Bill Barr stated that the “far left” poses the greatest threat to the United States, not former President Trump.

Barr was discussing the potential challenges a second Trump administration may face in recruiting individuals, claiming that the former president’s priority will be to find people “who he feels would be more subservient to him,” which the former attorney general described as an “area of concern.”

“But at the end of the day, you have to remember I was serving in his administration,” Barr told Fox News’ Neil Cavuto during his Saturday interview on “Cavuto Live.” “I was okay with his policies. I think his policies were good. My difficulties stemmed from his actions, which I found quite unsettling following the election.”

Barr then asserted that the “idea” that Trump would take over “power” like a “right-wing dictator” is not a threat to the United States, adding that the true threat to democracy comes from the “far left.”

“The threat facing our country is from the far left and the drift that’s been occurring toward a really  socialistic system,” he remarked.


He went on to say, “It’s a heavy-handed bunch of thugs, in my opinion, and that’s where the threat is.”

His words come despite earlier criticism of his former boss, the presumptive Republican presidential contender. Barr previously stated that another Biden term would be the worst consequence for the country.

“And while…” Trump may be playing Russian roulette, but I believe that continuing the Biden administration would be national suicide,” Barr stated on Wednesday.

When asked Saturday if surrounding Trump with “sycophants” will be enough to keep him “in check,” Barr answered that some of those people will wind up there, but who Trump chooses as his vice president will be an “important indication” of this.

“I think an important indication will be his choice of vice president and what kind of person he picks there,” Barr said. “I hope he picked somebody who is a strong conservative Republican and could serve as president of the United States if they had to.”

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