Democrats Are “Beyond Disappointed” With Biden For Referring To The Suspected Killer As “An Illegal.”

Immigrant rights organizations and Democratic officials have expressed their criticism of President Joe Biden for referring to an undocumented immigrant as “an illegal” during an unscripted moment. They have drawn comparisons to Donald Trump’s dehumanizing language and raised concerns that the administration is succumbing to Republican pressure on immigration.

During his State of the Union address on Thursday, President Biden responded to the criticism from far-right US Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene by echoing her use of the term “illegal” to describe the Venezuelan immigrant accused of killing Laken Riley.

“Innocent young women are tragically being killed by illegal immigrants. Yes, that’s right,” expressed Mr. Biden. “But we must also acknowledge the thousands of people who are being killed by legal citizens. To the parents of those innocent victims, I want to convey my heartfelt condolences. As someone who has experienced the loss of a child, I truly understand the pain you are going through.”

While addressing Ms. Greene’s comments, Latino members of Congress and individuals with immigrant backgrounds reminded the president that it is crucial to remember that no human being can be labeled as illegal.

According to Mr. Biden’s campaign chair, Mitch Landrieu, he acknowledged that using a different word would have been more appropriate and believes that Mr. Biden is aware of that.


In an interview with CNN on Friday, the speaker emphasized that the significance lies not in the minor error made, but rather in the absence of empathy and kindness expressed by the president. It is notable that the president failed to acknowledge and understand the pain experienced by others, a trait that has consistently characterized his approach. The speaker further highlighted that this lack of empathy is particularly disheartening given the personal tragedies the president himself has endured, including the loss of several children.

Democratic US Representative Chuy Garcia, who is among the Latino members of Congress that criticized Mr. Biden’s remarks, expressed his deep disappointment upon hearing the president use the word “illegal” as a noun.

According to him, the president failed to seize the chance to bring our nation together on the issue of immigration. He didn’t present a comprehensive strategy that tackles the underlying reasons why people come to our border or guarantees that immigrants are treated with the utmost dignity and respect within our communities.

Progressive members of Congress are urging the White House to resist Republican pressure to militarize the US-Mexico border as immigration takes center stage as the GOP’s election-year wedge issue, with likely nominee Donald Trump championing it.

According to US Representative Joaquin Castro of Texas, the rhetoric of Mr. Biden is deemed “dangerous,” which implies that he may be receiving misguided advice from his advisers and speech writers.

“I can’t understand why the president would choose to go down that path,” he expressed to The Texas Tribune. “I believe it’s not beneficial for him or for the Democratic Party.”

The National Immigration Law Center expressed disappointment in President Biden’s State of the Union address, stating that he missed an opportunity to differentiate himself from his predecessor on immigration.

Kica Matos, president of the National Immigration Law Center and the NILC Immigrant Justice Fund, criticized the President for not following through on the policies he initially advocated for. Instead, the President supported the Senate’s ineffective border bill and echoed the dehumanizing rhetoric often used by Republicans when discussing immigrants. Matos expressed disappointment and called on the President to improve his approach.

During a CNN interview, former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi commented on the president’s remarks, suggesting that instead of using the term “illegal,” he should have used the term “undocumented.” However, she also mentioned that this choice of words was not a significant issue.

House Republicans, at the urging of Mr. Trump, have mostly rejected bipartisan border legislation that addressed GOP demands for increased security funding.

During his address, Mr. Biden acknowledged the reading abilities of the audience and stated, “I’m aware that you know how to read.” He then went on to mention that he had been informed about his predecessor contacting Republicans in Congress and urging them to obstruct the bill. According to Mr. Biden, his predecessor believed that blocking the bill would be advantageous for him politically and detrimental to Mr. Biden’s political standing. However, Mr. Biden emphasized that the issue at hand was not about either of them, but rather about the welfare of the people.

According to him, Republicans have a responsibility to the American people to ensure the completion of this bill.

“And for those who came before me, if you’re watching, rather than engaging in political games and pressuring members of Congress to reject the bill, I invite you to stand with me in urging Congress to pass it,” he urged.

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