Donald Trump to GOP campaigns: If you use my name to raise money, I want a 5% cut

For years, Republicans have relied on the popularity and recognition of former President Donald Trump to generate financial support from GOP voters.

Now, President Trump is taking a strict stance by requesting campaigns to provide him with a 5% share of the funds they raise through this method.

According to POLITICO, the Trump campaign has requested that all candidates and committees who wish to use President Trump’s name, image, and likeness in their fundraising solicitations contribute a minimum of 5% of the funds raised to the Trump National Committee JFC. This request was outlined in a letter sent by the campaign to GOP vendors earlier this week.

The campaign is urging fundraising Republicans to refrain from impersonating Trump, implying that donors are disloyal to him if they don’t contribute, or mentioning the Trump family without obtaining his campaign’s consent.

The letter states that vendors will be held accountable for the actions of their clients if they fail to follow the mentioned guidelines. It further emphasizes that repeated violations will lead to the suspension of business relationships between the vendor and Trump National Committee JFC.


President Joe Biden has consistently outpaced Trump in fundraising, prompting the former president to implement a crackdown in an effort to close the gap.

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