Ex-Marine Unveils Strategy to Defeat Lauren Boebert

In his campaign to prevent Rep. Lauren Boebert from winning re-election to Congress in November, a former marine characterizes the House Republican as “a foot soldier for the mindset and the mob that unleashed an insurrection in the nation’s capital” on January 6, 2021.

According to McCorkle’s website, his campaign-funded polling conducted by Gravis Marketing indicates that he is currently leading the pack among Democratic candidates to go up against Boebert in November. Furthermore, the polling data suggests that voters in the district would support McCorkle over Boebert by a margin of seven points.

On Saturday at 9 a.m. ET, representatives of Lauren Boebert’s 2024 election campaign and her Washington D.C. office were contacted by email for a response, according to Newsweek. The congresswoman’s comments, if any, will be added to this article.

McCorkle ran for election in the 4th District in 2020 and 2022 but was unsuccessful on both occasions. He faced off against Republican Ken Buck, who will not be seeking re-election this year.

McCorkle strongly criticized Boebert’s choice to switch districts, arguing that it is evidence of voters in her current district rejecting her “extremist values.”


“It came as no surprise to anyone in Colorado when Lauren Boebert chose to avoid a challenging battle. The constituents in her own community had grown weary of her relentless pursuit of ‘Ultra MAGA’ ideals and extremist beliefs. In the Marine Corps, we are taught to never abandon a fellow American, but that is precisely what Lauren Boebert has done during her tenure in Congress,” he remarked.

“She voted against healthcare for veterans, wanted to cut budgets for Social Security and Medicare, and even declined funding for renewable energy jobs right here in Colorado. Her friends and neighbors showed her the door for these reasons and more, and she hasn’t received a warm welcome in Colorado’s 4th,” he added.

In a Facebook video posted in December 2023, Boebert explained her decision to switch districts, expressing her belief that she was being targeted by “dark money.” According to her, this move was seen as unfair to the conservatives in the 3rd District who had worked tirelessly for their victories.

According to McCorkle, he also mentioned that Boebert holds the same mindset as the rioters from January 6, 2021. These individuals stormed Congress in an attempt to stop the certification of Joe Biden’s 2020 election win, despite the false belief that the election was stolen through fraud.

In no uncertain terms, it must be stated that Lauren Boebert actively supported the ideology and the crowd that initiated an insurrection in the capital of our nation. Having dedicated 18 years of my life to the Marine Corps, my duty is to protect the democracy that I fought tirelessly to preserve in times of combat,” he expressed.

“I am running to prevent Boebert’s brand of MAGA [Make America Great Again] extremism from returning to our doorstep.”

Boebert, who is a strong supporter of former President Donald Trump, has consistently refuted any involvement in the events related to the riot. In a press release issued in 2021, the congresswoman clarified her position, stating, “I want to make it absolutely clear that I played no part in either the planning or the execution of any event that occurred at the Capitol or in Washington, D.C., on January 6th.”

On January 6th of this year, Boebert took to X (formerly Twitter) to describe the individuals imprisoned after the Capitol riot as “political prisoners.” She expressed her determination to fight for justice to be restored.

In March, the former Republican incumbent, Buck, announced that he would not be seeking re-election, leaving Colorado’s 4th congressional district up for grabs.

In June, a special election will take place, but Boebert will not be participating. The race will be between Republican Greg Lopez, who is likely to serve as a temporary representative until November if he emerges victorious, and Democrat Trisha Calvarese, who also has plans to run in November.

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