Former GOP Lawmaker Argues that ‘Moscow Marjorie’ Falls Short of Being a ‘Useful Idiot’ in Her Support for Russia

Former Republican Representative, Ken Buck, did not hold back in expressing his strong disapproval of Marjorie Taylor Greene, a fellow Republican from Georgia. In fact, he went so far as to give her the nickname “Moscow Marjorie” due to her actions aimed at obstructing aid to Ukraine.

Buck, who resigned in March, made an appearance on CNN Friday to condemn the attempts to remove House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) due to the foreign aid bill that provides funding for Ukraine and Israel.

According to Buck, the government has not shut down due to the Republicans’ narrow majority, which is a testament to Mike’s leadership. Buck mentioned to CNN’s Erica Hill that although he personally wouldn’t have voted for the appropriations bills due to his belief in reducing spending, Mike was able to gather a coalition and successfully pass the spending package, just as he did with the foreign aid package.

During the interview, Hill expressed her curiosity about the possibility of Greene being removed from office. She brought up the nickname “Moscow Marjorie,” which had gained significant popularity after being mentioned on the show. Hill also highlighted the attention that Greene’s anti-Ukraine rhetoric was receiving on Russian state TV.

During the event, Hill presented a video clip featuring a Russian television personality who made a bold statement about the power dynamics in Congress. According to the personality, it is not Speaker Johnson who holds the reins of Congress, but rather Marjorie Taylor Greene. The video suggests that Greene wields significant influence and that others in Congress are afraid of her.


Buck expressed his disappointment with “Moscow Marjorie,” stating that it had reached a new low.

You know, during the Russian Revolution, Lenin talked about American journalists who were writing glowing reports about Russia at the time as “useful idiots,” and I don’t even think that Marjorie reaches that level of being a “useful idiot” here.

She is just mouthing the Russian propaganda and really hurting American foreign policy in the process. She’s acting completely irresponsibly. And, again, when history looks at this period of time, Russia invaded Ukraine, Ukraine is fighting for its freedom, and we should be with the freedom fighters in this war.

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