France Demands Investigation Into The Death Of Navalny, Summons Russian Ambassador

Aiexpress – The French government took action on Tuesday by summoning its Russian ambassador to address the concerning matter of opposition politician Alexei Navalny’s untimely death.

The French Foreign Ministry has called for a thorough and comprehensive investigation and the release of all political prisoners, including Vladimir Kara-Mourza, who has been held in detention since 2022.

According to the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, they firmly hold the Russian authorities accountable for the death of Alexei Navalny. They assert that Navalny’s conditions of detention significantly worsened following his transfer to a penal colony.

During a press conference, French Foreign Affairs Minister Stephane Sejourne expressed his belief that the regime of Russian President Vladimir Putin had revealed its true nature in the wake of Navalny’s death.

In response to Navalny’s death, the European Union announced its decision to impose additional sanctions on Russia.


“The European Union is committed to holding Russia’s political leadership and authorities accountable for their actions. We will work closely with our partners and take strong measures, including imposing sanctions, to ensure that there are consequences for their behavior,” stated Josep Borrell, the EU High Representative, on Monday. The EU will spare no efforts in this regard.”

Navalny’s death on Friday was met with uncertainty, but on Saturday, a spokesperson for him made a bold declaration, stating that he was “murdered” while serving his sentence in the Russian penal colony.

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