Governor Of Wisconsin Rejects Ban On Transgender High School Athletes

Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers has made the decision to veto a bill put forward by the Republican-controlled Legislature. The bill aimed to prohibit transgender high school athletes from participating in sports teams that align with their gender identity.

Governor Evers had made a commitment to veto the bill from the moment it was introduced. Despite the Democrats’ inability to prevent its passage in the Legislature, he stood firm on his decision. The Capitol became the setting for his veto, with Democratic lawmakers, transgender advocates, the mayor of Madison, and other supporters by his side.

The Republican Party lacks the necessary votes to overturn the veto.

Governor Evers expressed his concerns about the implications of this legislation in his veto message. According to him, such a law negatively impacts the mental health of LGBTQ individuals and children. Additionally, he believes that it fosters an environment that encourages harassment, bullying, and violence against the LGBTQ community. Evers is also concerned about the safety and dignity of LGBTQ individuals, particularly LGBTQ children.

Governor Evers made a commitment to protect LGBTQ individuals and families during his tenure. He firmly asserted that he will not tolerate any radical policies that endanger the everyday lives and safety of LGBTQ individuals, and their ability to be respected, supported, and accepted for who they are.


The bill aimed to restrict high school athletes to participating on teams that correspond to the gender they were designated at birth.

Republicans who supported the bill claimed that it was an issue of fairness for athletes who are not transgender. However, those who opposed the bill argued that there is no actual problem with transgender high school athletes in Wisconsin and viewed the proposed ban as a form of discrimination that would be detrimental to transgender youth.

The Wisconsin Interscholastic Athletic Association mandates that transgender athletes must undergo hormone therapy prior to participating on the teams they desire. This policy is based on the NCAA’s guidelines for transgender athletes.

At least 20 states have given their approval to a version of a comprehensive ban on transgender athletes participating in K-12 and collegiate sports teams across their respective states. However, the Biden administration’s proposal to prohibit these outright bans is expected to be finalized this year, despite facing multiple delays and considerable opposition. The proposed rule aims to establish that these blanket bans would be in violation of Title IX, the groundbreaking legislation on gender equity that was enacted in 1972.

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