Greg Abbott Implements New Razor Wire Following Migrant Overpower National Guard

Texas Governor Greg Abbott took immediate action to enhance border security by installing new razor wire at the U.S-Mexico border on Monday. This decision comes in response to a concerning incident that occurred last week in El Paso. During this incident, a large group of migrants managed to breach the concertina wire fencing, overpowering the National Guard. By reinforcing the border with razor wire, Governor Abbott aims to prevent similar occurrences and ensure the safety and security of the region.

Texas National Guard members were captured on video trying to prevent a group of migrants from breaching the fencing in El Paso. The footage, which was shared on social media, depicted the unfolding situation.

In a video shared by Jennie Taer, a reporter from the New York Post, she recounts the moment when the Texas National Guard found themselves “overrun by migrants.” The video shows a fence being pulled down during the incident.

According to a spokesperson from the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CPB) in El Paso, the border surge started on Thursday around 11 a.m. local time. A significant number of migrants were involved in this incident. They managed to breach the Texas National Guard concertina wire barricades that were positioned between the Rio Grande and the border wall, specifically near Midway Drive and Loop 375.

On Monday, Governor Abbott announced that he is taking further action in response to the Supreme Court’s ruling on the temporary removal of razor wire along the southern border. He has made it clear that he believes the fight is not over and is committed to addressing this issue. As part of his response, Abbott has ordered the addition of more razor wire and National Guard soldiers in El Paso.


“Over the weekend, additional Texas National Guard soldiers were deployed and a significant amount of razor wire was installed at the border in El Paso. Governor Abbott, in a statement on X, emphasized the ongoing efforts to reinforce border barriers and deter any attempts of illegal immigration. Texas remains steadfast in holding the line.”

Tensions between Texan authorities and the federal government have escalated in recent months regarding the approach to addressing illegal migration across the southern border. In a significant decision on January 22, the Supreme Court authorized the removal of razor wire that had been installed along the border under the directive of Abbott. This ruling triggered a strong reaction from the Republican governor, who characterized the situation as an “invasion” and emphasized the state’s constitutional obligation to safeguard and shield itself.

Moreover, the concerns regarding the measures intensified as the federal government voiced its worries about the environmental and humanitarian impact of the deterrent. In the past, physical barriers such as razor wire, floating barriers in the Rio Grande, and walls reaching heights of up to 30 feet have resulted in injuries, drownings, and unfortunate fatalities.

El Paso is known for being a sought-after location for migrants, and according to local doctors, individuals attempting to cross the border often suffer severe and recurring injuries to their lower extremities due to falls from the tall border walls. These injuries have been described as devastating by medical professionals in the area.

According to David Stout, a county commissioner in El Paso’s Precinct 2 for nearly a decade, he expressed to Newsweek that Abbott and his team are seeking “chaos” at the border to gain political advantage.

“They are driven by a desire to sow chaos,” Stout explained. “Their intent is to divert attention from the pressing issues we face at the border. They hope that this chaos will support their narrative that the border is in a state of disorder.”

Abbott continues to stand by his choice to deploy the deterrents, arguing that Texas possesses the power to implement border security measures along its border.

According to a previous statement given to Newsweek, an Abbott representative expressed concerns that the absence of razor wire and other deterrents at the border encourages migrants to make unsafe and illegal crossings. This, in turn, creates challenges for Texas border personnel in carrying out their duties effectively.

According to the spokesman, Governor Abbott remains committed to defending Texas’ property and upholding its constitutional authority to secure the border. The case is still ongoing, and the governor will continue to fight for these objectives.

The Supreme Court’s decision on Tuesday to uphold Texas Senate Bill 4 has led to the implementation of additional security measures, including the installation of razor wire. This law grants local and state law enforcement the authority to apprehend and deport individuals believed to have illegally entered Texas. However, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals has temporarily suspended the legislation.

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