Historic strike on Israel sees U.S.-led coalition intercept 300 weapons from Iran

According to a U.S. official, Israel received support from a coalition of warplanes and naval assets led by the United States in its response to the historic Iran strike. This support included intercepting 300 drones, ballistic missiles, and cruise missiles.

According to an official who was briefed on the operation but not authorized to speak publicly, some of the incoming missiles and drones were successfully intercepted by U.S. fighter aircraft and guided-missile destroyers. The official also mentioned that Israel’s Arrow, David’s Sling, and Iron Dome systems were able to shoot down the majority of the attack.

The attack by Iran on Israel resulted in minimal damage and casualties.

The official stated that Iran’s attack, although it was anticipated by U.S. intelligence and predicted by President Joe Biden on Friday, was a substantial and resource-intensive endeavor to fend off.

The Pentagon deployed additional military assets to the Middle East in preparation for Iran’s impending attack, with the primary objectives of supporting Israel and ensuring the safety of U.S. forces in the region.


Following the airstrike in Damascus on Iran’s embassy compound on April 1, Iran retaliated with an attack. The airstrike resulted in the death of seven Iranian officials. While Iran accuses Israel of being responsible for the strike, Israel has not taken any responsibility for it.

Since the Oct. 7 Hamas attack on Israel, which resulted in the loss of 1,200 Israeli lives, the Pentagon has taken swift action by deploying additional warships, aircraft, and troops to the Middle East. This move aims to provide support to Israel and dissuade potential adversaries from launching further attacks. Over the past six months, Israel has been engaged in a conflict with Hamas in Gaza, resulting in a devastating death toll of over 30,000 people, as reported by Palestinian officials.

Iranian proxy forces in Iraq, Syria, and Yemen have carried out attacks on U.S. and Western interests. In Jordan, for instance, an attack resulted in the unfortunate deaths of three U.S. soldiers. This incident triggered a series of 85 airstrikes, effectively reducing the number of attacks on bases housing American personnel.

Saturday witnessed the biggest attack to date, marking Iran’s first direct assault on Israel. In order to prevent further escalation, officials from the United States have been advocating for restraint.

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