House votes on bills aimed at exempting home appliances from government regulations instead of passing Ukraine aid

The House of Representatives has announced plans to address legislation that aims to prohibit government regulations on home appliances, as the delay in Ukraine aid persists.

The Senate approved a substantial $95.3 billion aid package for Ukraine and Israel in February. However, Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson, has yet to bring a similar or matching aid package to a vote. It is possible that his hesitation is influenced by the recent threat from Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene to remove him from his leadership position.

According to reports, Johnson and his team have been in negotiations with the White House over a bill for aid to Ukraine. However, there is currently no specific timeline for their preparations.

The House Rules Committee has announced its intention to review a series of six bills that address government regulations and standards pertaining to household appliances.

Here are the bills that need to be reviewed:

    • Hands Off Our Home Appliances Act
    • Liberty in Laundry Act
    • Clothes Dryers Reliability Act
    • Refrigerator Freedom Act
    • Affordable Air Conditioning Act
    • Stop Unaffordable Dishwasher Standards Act

In mid-2023, the House passed a bill reminiscent of a culture war. This bill aimed to prevent a gas stove ban, even though the federal Consumer Product Safety Commission had not proposed such a ban. The White House also made it clear that President Biden did not support such a measure.

The House is scheduled to vote on Friday to extend the nation’s warrantless surveillance program for an additional two years. Initially, the chamber intended to renew the program for five more years. However, due to a procedural vote spoiled by 19 Republican members on Wednesday, the decision was changed.

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