In South Carolina, a shocking video shows an assault on a Chipotle employee during an argument for extra protein

The video captured the unsettling incident that took place at a Chipotle in South Carolina on December 10. The footage begins with a tense argument between a 20-year-old Chipotle employee and two customers, Jamel Williams, 36, and Kayla Pyle, 34, who had traveled from North Carolina. The dispute escalated due to an additional charge for extra protein in their order.

Sheriff Barry Faile expressed his thoughts on the incident, stating that the assault was completely unjustified. He also mentioned that he hopes the victim has fully recovered from her injuries. The sheriff acknowledged the assistance provided by the Charlotte Mecklenburg PD in identifying the assailants and urged them to surrender, allowing the judicial system to handle the case.

A disturbing video captured a violent incident at a South Carolina Chipotle on December 10, involving a 20-year-old employee and customers Jamel Williams, 36, and Kayla Pyle, 34. The altercation stemmed from a dispute over an extra charge for protein in the customers’ order, leading to a heated argument.

As the employee attempted to leave her shift early, Williams confronted and aggressively pushed her to the floor. The video shows a brutal assault, with Williams hitting, pulling hair, and violently jerking the employee. Pyle joined in, both assaulting the employee who tried to protect herself on the ground. Bystanders recorded the incident, aiding in the identification of the assailants.


Arrest warrants were issued for Williams and Pyle, charging Williams with assault and first-degree battery and Pyle with assault and second-degree battery. The police were called, but the assailants had fled. The video, shared on Twitter, highlights the unprovoked and brutal nature of the attack.

Despite sustaining injuries, the victim declined immediate medical treatment but later reported back pain. Sheriff Barry Faile condemned the assault, emphasizing its unjustified nature, and called for the assailants to surrender. The incident also involved a male juvenile, whose role remains unclear.

This case not only reflects an isolated act of violence but also underscores the challenges faced by fast-food workers. It emphasizes the need for improved protective measures and support systems within the fast-food industry to address such incidents.

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