JD Vance calls for US to prioritize domestic and allied interests over Ukraine

Senator JD Vance, a Republican from Ohio, expressed his belief that the United States should prioritize its own interests and those of its closest allies, like Israel, rather than increasing aid to Ukraine.

In a recent New York Times op-ed, Vance expressed his opposition to providing further aid to Ukraine in its conflict with Russia. He argued that increased funding for the embattled nation would not alter the outcome of the war, as he believes Ukraine is unlikely to emerge victorious. During an appearance on CNN’s “State of the Union,” Vance emphasized the need for the United States to prioritize the restoration of its industrial base over involvement in foreign conflicts.

“I believe that foreign policy is not simply a nursery rhyme; it should serve as a wake-up call for us to rebuild our own industrial base,” he expressed.

According to the speaker, the Patriot interceptor system played a crucial role in saving Israeli lives. He emphasized the importance of this weapon system by stating that the Ukrainians are in need of thousands of them annually. To put this into perspective, he revealed that only 550 Patriot interceptor systems are manufactured in a year.

According to him, the United States lacks the capability to provide support to Israel, Ukraine, and maintain its own needs.


“We have been emphasizing this point for years now, and it remains true: it is simply not feasible for us to fully support Ukraine and Israel while also addressing our own defense needs, as these individuals insist. Instead, our focus should be on providing robust support to Israel, considering its close alliance and alignment with a greater number of our national security interests.”

According to him, the approval of the supplemental aid request for Israel and Ukraine will have a negative impact on Israel.

According to the speaker, it doesn’t make any sense to weaken Israel by providing a large quantity of weapons to Ukraine and Israel at the same time. By prioritizing Ukraine’s needs, Israel’s security could potentially be compromised.

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